no freakin way on so many levels

Sep 02, 2008 10:35

OMG, you guys.  OM Freakin G.  Yesterday I got a text message from Matt "I am a Jerk" Zayas.  He called me "old friend".  Excuse me?  He lied to me, ignored me, and emotionally cheated (if not physically) on me; I think I qualify as more than "old friend".  He texted messaged me a couple of times and even called (before I knew it was him, and I had Matt, the current boy friend, answered, and Jerk hung up when the bf answered).  I ignored all calls and text messages (after I found out it was him) and hopefully he gets the message that I never want to talk to him again.

And what's up with the Palin pick for VP on McCain's ticket?  The pregnant teenage daughter isn't looking so good, but not as bad as dismissing her ex-brother-in-law from a state trooper position, and the state public safety commissioner for not initially firing the brother-in-law.  I know McCain pretty much had to pick a woman running mate, but could he not have found one that was more qualified than the Alaskan governor?  Unfortunately, I have a feeling that the race is going to include the question, "Who does America feel more obliged to?  Women or minorities?"

presidential election, boys

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