Then I saw that man, in his black suit and cadillac, suckin on a lollipop

May 12, 2005 22:50

After two years, here are the most important things I've learned at the U of JM a.k.a. Jimmy's Mad University:

Not in any particaular order

1) Follow your dream.
2) Do not let others use your happiness as a scapegoat to complain about your major - know that no matter what field/major you are in, if you are in putting full effort, it pays.
3) Use the quad - it's your friend, in fact, especially towards the spring you might only get a few days to spend time on it- take naps, play, study, eat meals, and hang out there - it's worth skipping class.
4) Let go - take a risk. If it's no good, then don't do it again.
5) There is a point in time when even the most social of people, need his/her own room.
6) Triples rock, but only with the right roomates. Thank god I had thrill and the badmammajamma.
7) The trick to being a good roomate is not getting annoyed by the little things and being able to take critcism.
8) For me, college is about experience, not grades persay. Don't get me wrong, I care about grades and want to go to a grad school evntually perhaps, but take what YOU want from your classes. Take a step back and think about it objectively.
9) Redbull and other energy drinks are quite effective, and quite tasty.
10) Diet coke, etc has NO calories. Diet Dr. Pepper is the best.
11) D-Hall's thursdays are by far the best day - if they could only take each dish from thursdays and spread it out over the week - I'd be one happy camper.
12) Use UREC- you're paying for it, it's got something for everyone - if you're watching tv in your room you could watch it wile on a bike, eh?
13) Even the biggest partiers learn the true greatness of a night in the dorm/watchin a movie and eventually tone it down.
14) A spinning room does not equal a good night.
15) Decorating your bathroom is totally worth it.
16) There are certain traditions that should be kept, even if rarely: festival, sunsets, sex and the city.
17) Why would you want to buy the cow when you can have the milk for free? So true.
18) So many things happen in a day that it's fun to think back to what you were doing this time last week and what's happened since then.
19) More massages should be given and the UREC ones are fantasic.
20) Adapt to new personalities and dynamics - know when enough is enough - for yourself and others.
21) Remembering someone's name is one of the most flattering things - use it.
22) Smile, hold doors, say hi. Care about the people that surround you - not only is life more pleasant, but the connections can be amazing - plus you might make a friend.
23) Try to do something new everyday if your schedule allows it, ie. movie, show, restaurant, book, concert.
24) In theatre, you really should audition for everything possible, whether you're interested in the show or not- it's a great learning experiance (many times practially better than a class) and again, connections.
25) Find those people that you want to be friends with, that are really worth it, and seek them out - don't wait around.
26) Days are more pleasant and fun when you feel and look nice, care about your appearance - it's worth it.
27) Great conversations are with little sleep.
28) Orienatation is amazing - experiance it as a FROG and it's different but still amazing - being a FROG is more than rewarding.
29) Library and dorm hide-and-go-seek are fantastic games and should happen more often.
30) Go see Circles (break dancing competeition) - AMAZING.
31) Take pictures.
32) Find a spot of JMU that doesn't look like JMU, notice it, its crazy.
33) The peanut butter bar at Festival is so worth a trip up there.
34) Just cuz everyone knows your brother doesn't mean you se him ever.
35) The silent treatment is applicable in college too, just in a different way - quite possibly the worst way to "say" something.
36) When your room is a hang-out spot- you never get bored.
37) I rock at hula-hooping.
38) I'm really bad with birthdays.
39) Less money is worth a great experience.
40) Proactivity is key - in any shape or form.
41) Be ready but don't worry.
42) Everything happens for a reason.

What I haven't learned:

1) Why I still have a curfew when I go home.
2) Why I should care about assessment tests.
3) How to always be on time.
4) Why some people put extra stress on themselves.

There's more of course but I'm pooped so it's good enough. Imagine what I'll be able to write in two more years...

"I'd sit on the quad and think, oh my god, I am toally gonna go far..." - Avenue Q
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