February Update

Feb 23, 2013 23:58

The month in review:

February has been a pretty good month. I was not called for jury duty, I sold some copies of Broken Wings, I had only one attack of allergies, I heard from my publisher concerning termination contracts for Magebound and Spellwrought, I started making plans to go to Michigan this summer, and I didn't miss a single scheduled update or post. Woot!

For a brief time, BW was ranked #1 in both the Gay Erotica and Fantasy genres on Smashwords. Then data from off-site sales came in and was tabulated and I dropped down the list, lol. Fame is fleeting. Last time I looked, it was #3 in Gay Erotica and farther down in Fantasy. I'm slowly looking to spread out, finding new places to promote myself and starting to be active on some old sites again. Who knew promotion was so time consuming? I even made a banner for BW. >_<

You can find Broken Wings on Amazon, Smashwords, and Barnes & Noble.

The reason I'm flogging the book so much is that an opportunity has arisen for me, my mother, and my aunt to drive from Oregon to Michigan this summer for our big family reunion. This will probably be the last chance to see my great-aunts (my grandfather's sisters - 97 and 99 years old) and the only chance the three of us will have to make this sort of trip. Unfortunately, gas prices are on the rise and money is tight around here, so I don't know if we can scrape together enough to make the trip, but I'm going to do everything I can think of to make sure we can...so if you know someone who wants to buy a kidney, let me know. :D

Seriously, though, I've decided to try to publish another e-book before the end of March. I've decided to do one of the short story trios that I was talking about before. I'm going to the Winter/Spring one since April will be a fitting time, at least here in the Northern hemisphere. Long Winter's End is already written and edited, so that gives me a little over a month to write and edit two short stories. I already have one completely outlined and the beginning written. It'll be the story of a man who falls through the ice and is rescued by a kelpie who wants to have sex with him. I'm still debating on the last one.

I want the three stories to be similar, but different. Long Winter's End has a primitive setting similar to a Native American village, with spears and clothes made of animal skins. The kelpie story has a 1800's America frontier farmland setting. I can't decide if the third one should be modern or futuristic.

Also, in LWE, the human MC is involved with a minor deity, a forest spirit. In the kelpie story, the human MC is involved with a kelpie, a river demon. For the third one, I had considered having a human werebear MC involved with a faerie, and I realized that most of my main characters are some form of human - vampire, mage, Were, empath, incubus. Would you be interested in having some non-human MCs, or is it easier to relate to human characters?

Now don't worry, this new project shouldn't interfere with Moonlight Mondays, WIP Wednesdays, or Free Fiction Fridays. I actually have a couple of chapters of Moonlight saved up, and a couple of stories for FFF, and I love doing WIP Wednesday over on Tumblr, so I won't miss that.

Concerning Magebound, I found out that the book will be removed from sale within thirty days of the termination contracts being signed. I haven't gotten them yet, but it shouldn't be too long. After thirty days, I'll be free to seek another publisher for it and Spellwrought. If I can't find a publisher with a reasonable amount of time - I'm thinking about a year - I'll just publish them myself. They've been edited, so it wouldn't take much. I might even look into CreateSpace or another book-binding company to make physical books for those that want them, since not everyone has a Kindle or Nook or whatever.

Although, you really don't need a special e-reading device to read e-books. There are free programs to allow you to read e-books on your computer. That's how I was able to check the formatting of Broken Wings in both EPUB and MOBI formats. Just FYI. ^_^

Wow, that was a long update. It's been a busy month. The TL;DR version:

I need money; buy my book
Modern or futuristic setting?
Human MC or other?
Get Magebound now; will be gone soon

That's all for now! Love you guys! ^_^

magebound, news, update, broken wings

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