May 11, 2008 20:01
Ok, I'm not a mom. Not yet, anyway. But I guess I've reached that special age where just the potential of becoming a mom at any time is enough to receive gifts and flowers. Sweet.
Dad bought me some flowers in a hanging planter that I put on the front porch this afternoon (Thanks dad!). Eliot bought me flowers for the dining room as well as some surprise I have yet to see. When I went to the Mariners vs. White Sox game at Safeco Field, it was Mom appreciation weekend, which, I guess, means anyone who looks like the could be a mom gets a free t-shirt that says Mariner Mom on the back. So I got a T-shirt, which my brother said I should give to my sister-in-law who is pregnant with twins. I love her dearly, for sure, but someday I am hopefully going to be a mom too, so I am holding onto that one for me! :-)
So Mom's day is starting to be something different for me... for some reason I am getting recognized now. Maybe it is because I take care of Eliot and the cat??
Happy Mother's Day Everyone!!