Япония после войны: фотография 1945-1964 гг.

Feb 09, 2021 19:40

Japan after the War: Photography 1945-1964

Фотографии показывают возрождение Японии из-под завалов после ядерного взрыва.

Tadahiko Hayashi 1947

Tadahiko Hayashi 1947

Nakagawa Kazuo Ginza, July 31, 1945

Kikuji Kawada. The A-Bomb Memorial Dome and Ohta River Hiroshima 1960

Ken Domon.Student sit-in in Tachikawa against the expansion of US base 1955

Ken Domon.The actress Yoshiko Yamaguchi 1952

Ken Domon .Children looking at a picture-card show Tokyo 1953

Hiroshi Hamaya

Hiroshi Hamaya - Rice Harvesting, Yamagata Prefecture, 1955

Shigeichi Nagano. Child Playing Alone, 1956

Shigeichi Nagano, Marunouchi, Tokyo, 1959

Tanuma Takeyoshi, 1957. A cafe for singing

Shigeichi Nagano.Completing management training at a stock brokerage firm Tokyo 1961

Yutaka Takanashi

Takeyoshi Tanuma - Sanja festival. Asakusa, Tokyo, 1955

Shomei Tomatsu. Hibakusha Tsuyo Kataoka, Nagasaki, 1961

Ken Domon.Women being treated for injuries from atomic bomb 1957

Shigeichi Nagano

Tadahiko Hayashi, Yoshiwara, Asakusa, Tokyo, 1954

Tadahiko Hayashi

Kimura Ihee Shibuya, Tokyo

Ken Domon 1952

Ken Domon.Women walking 1950

Ken Domon.Bath at the river in front of the Hiroshima Dome 1957

Ken Domon. Pearl fisherwomen 1948

Tadahiko Hayashi. Discharged soldiers, Shinagawa Station Tokyo 1946

Ken Domon.Marine Corp graduation ceremony 1944

Takeyoshi Tanuma. Dancers resting on the rooftop of the Theatre Asakusa, Tokyo 1949

Ken Domon. Rumie 1959

фотограф, документальная фотография, япония

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