Мир ребенка аутиста

Oct 17, 2012 11:14

Проект фотографа Thimothy Archibald который снимал своего 5-летнем сына, рожденного с диагнозом аутизма..

“Мой старший сын родился в 2001 году. Он всегда жил в своем сообственном пространстве и ритме. Когда ему было 5 лет, мы стали вместе делать фотографии, как способ найти общий язык и пути понимания друг друга. Вскоре после начала этого проекта у Элиджи был диагностирован аутизм. И, хотя, знание диагноза и особенностей заболевания позволило мне лучше понимать своего сына, это не избавило нас полностью от тайны и необходимости пытаться найти эмоциональный мост к нему.”

Red Balloon, 2007
"This was an early image in the project. When Eli was younger the shoots were quicker, 3 minutes total. The balloon, and the act of sinking into it, was a good metaphor for the utter submersion he sometimes achieves. It had the emotion of being deeply and solidly in something, one of the states I learned about through him

Погружение в воздушный шар.Любимое состояние Илия - погружение ,или быть внутри какого то предмета.

Conversation, 2009
"I was always taken by the power that things have in my son’s life: objects take on a totemic importance. One of these items was this dog statue Eli bought from the dollar store. This was taken during the week or two that this object carried the power. He liked to look at it in his room, on his bed. I asked him if we could make an image when the light was nice. He got the dog and simply composed himself before the camera. He suggested it should look like the dog was speaking to him. I think it does."

Nest, 2010
Eli and his brother found a nest in the backyard. We were taken by this electronic circuitry-like bit of nature. I had been reading books on Aspergers’s and autism at the time and the nest struck me like the organic web of wires in the brain."

Screen Door, 2010
"Eli and I began making images of each other behind the screen door of my office with a Hasselblad camera. He really liked the texture of the screen. He made a shot of me there and then he fell into this profile and it just felt right. It was as if he was using sense in a different manner, like he was listening for something with his whole body."

The Listening Device, 2008
"Eli had found a large tube in my office used to ship prints. He had inserted his arm into it and was limping around the house with it. Then he suggested we make some images with it. We found a space where the light was smooth and there it was, a crutch, a third limb, a tube used to listen to the ground…it seemed like it could be so many things. I liked it as another sense, or an object that allowed a kid to tune into another wavelength."


мгновения жизни, история жизни

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