A farewell to HP

Jul 23, 2007 08:57

Well folks, I've officially done it. I've reached the height of pathetic as it comes to fan-gasming and HP7.

Started the book Saturday morning, right after it came out...stayed up until 5 2 nights in a row, and have just stayed up all night to finish the book.

I didn't mean to...and kind of wish I'd just waited until tomorrow to finish it up...but what's done is done, and rotynd can feel free to yell at me again for not sleeping like a normal person.

I feel a need for a brief book rant. THERE WILL BE SPOILERS!

A list seems like the best way to go...since I have math tutoring today, and am debating taking a short nap so that I don't fall asleep on my poor tutor.

And, just in case anyone thinks there is kidding, I will spoil everything right below this line, and take no responsibility for angry feelings...you've been warned. (Call it overkill warnings...but this is HP we're talking about.)

Oh my God...watch me weep. I wasn't sure what to think of him until the very last section of the book he was in. At the end of book 6, originally thought "evilz!" Then, as I pondered a bit more, I was pretty sure there were other intentions.
But...but...she wrote his character so on the black side of the black and white spectrum, that for a while I actually thought she was going to go against everyone's suspicions and actually make him evil. This would have made me sad...we knew he had a rough life, and the realization that he was only really what he appeared to be would have been very very sad. I'm so sad he had to die though!!! It seemed so...horrible, when he finally could have been understood, comforted...he died alone.

Overall, I liked him in this book. He got a bit too obsessive on a lot of things, and this sometimes made the book move rather slowly, but he was still a neat character.
And...when it seemed like he'd died...holy FIng hell. I thought I was going to have a heart attack...because I've known authors to kill off their main characters, and I was totally spazzing out during his whole "death scene."
I have to say, with how she sort of boxed herself into a predictable ending with the info from the last book, she executed this magnificently. Yes, final outcome might have been a cliche, but at least for my part, I was ready to explode until the very end, when I knew he was ok.

I really want to rant more...but I really need to sleep. I'll just say a few more things...
I was really disappointed when she didn't bring Sirius back...she made it seem so possible, and then she confermed that he was dead for us. It would have been good to see him again, in person instead of the...memory? thing she showed him as. With all the leadup, I really had my hopes raised we would get to see him again...so for me, that was one of the biggest disappointments.

Tonks and Lupin...waahhhh!!!!! Won't lie, when we found out they'd both died, I absolutely bawled. As in, all out sobbed for over a minute. Thinking of the poor little baby...I was fairly sure from the beginning Lupin would die, just because of the way she wrote him, but...but...Tonks? They weren't both supposed to die!

That's one thing I wish they would have developed more was Teddy Lupin. We hear a mention of him in the epilogue...but I would have liked to meet him.

And on that final note...most people are saying they hated the epilogue...and while it wasn't everything sparkly and wondrous, I still liked it quite a lot. It was nice to see something like a wrapped up ending...especially since it's the very end of the series.

One more non-spoiler comment about HP though...it really is sad to see this series come to a close. I'm not sure why, because there have certainly been better books written, but for me, I think it was growing up with these books. They were a solid part of my reading life since I was 11 or 12 years old. HP was some of the first fanfiction I wrote...even if I didn't know it was fanfiction at the time.

It's sad to see it finish up, and I wonder if I'll ever really be able to pick up the series again, now that most mysteries have been solved and explained. I hope so...but I don't know. It's going to be a long time before I can read 7 again.

One more truth I realized...always thought I cried at the end of book 6 because it was a sad ending on top of a bad day.

...Had a great day before this, and still ended up crying my eyes out through half of the book anyway. I am full of pathetic.

Now...off to read for math, and then a short nap.


ranting, hp

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