The Scintilla Project

Mar 14, 2013 15:33

I know it's been a long long time since I posted here, and if anyone's still hanging about, and the crickets have gotten on marvelously.

I just signed up for The Scintilla Project which is a writing activity designed to spark creativity. It looked really neat, and a friend was doing it, and I haven't written in ages, so I thought I'd give it a shot.

Two days worth of prompts to take up here.

I'm not a drinker. I don't particularly like the taste of any alcohol, and the idea of being drunk is frightening to me. So I'm rather limited on wild crazy under-aged stories. Which, in my perspective, is probably just fine. I remember a lot more of my teenage years than many of my classmates.

But this means, in searching for a story, that I had limited records to pick from. The only time I can honestly remember feeling any sort of alcoholic influence was during the two weeks I spent in England during college.

(The legal drinking age there is 18 so I wasn't actually under-aged there but shhhhhh.)

We had gone on a class trip to Oxford. It was cool and a bit rainy, so basically it was England. My little medievalist scholar heart was reveling in the cobblestones and old buildings and giant inaccessible libraries and quiet chapels. But we did have to stop to eat. So we left the middle ages and wandered into the nineteenth century, grabbing a table for...10 at the Eagle and Child, C.S. Lewis' pub of choice. I ordered the only fish and chips I was to have on the whole trip (not very impressive ones, BTW), and a rum and coke.

...Because we were at a pub. And I could.

Besides being a bad drinker, I am also a slow drinker. So I'd made it about a third of the way through my drink when everyone else was ready to go. So, do I just leave my drink half-finished like a normal person? No, because it tastes like coke. So I drink most of it in a few long pulls.

And then stand up, to have that revelation at the age of 20 that "...This is what it feels like to be buzzed. HM." It was surreal.

And that...was the end of the story. I went to take advantage of the exceptionally rare bathrooms to refresh myself and wash hands, gabbled about how I felt buzzed and how it was weird and how I didn't like it, to people who had spent half the nights on the trip drunk out of their minds, and sort of made a fool of myself.

But it was pleasant confirmation that I really wasn't missing out on much. If I want to feel light-headed and unsteady, I just have to run on 3 hours of sleep and a cup or two of coffee. It's a cheaper method, anyway. I a badass or what.

I think I'll come back to do the second challenge for today later.

teh scribbles, study in england

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