I will come up with better subject lines when my brain starts functioning properly again

Aug 31, 2010 09:23

Once again, I technically have no excuse for my lengthy disappearance. I spent the week before last getting all my shit moved into the new apartment, and I think it's really coming together. There will be a pic spam to come, once I can get a hold of a camera and clean the house so it doesn't embarrass me in pictures. But it is looking pretty nice, if I am allowed a little pride for my house. I'd like to do a little more painting, but have no money, and will soon have no time, so that puts a dent in those plans. School starts a week from today, and I have a feeling that's going to eat up way more energy than it has any right to. I've already started having the dreams where I accidentally scheduled two classes at the same time, going to one and forgetting about the other, or where I am suddenly only in my underthings, showing up for a class and asking the teacher if I can go find out where the hell my clothes are.

But that stress isn't for another week, so I have better things to talk about. Well, not really, but work with me here. This past weekend we had a party at the house, and everyone dressed up in dresses and such, and it was really fun. I even got Andy to wear a suit, voluntarily, it was awesome. We had a nice time, and I miss everyone so much. Most of the friends I had in school-town graduated last spring, and so I know very few people, which makes being up here harder, as I'm spending a lot of time by myself, which isn't necessarily an awful thing sometimes, but gets rather old rather fast after the unusually social summer I've had. Hopefully this will change once school starts, and there will be some grads from out of town or something, who are as painfully socially awkward as I am.

But in the meantime, once this week is over, I'll have a full plate, even with fewer friends. I'm singing in an opera chorus, for a fundraiser to keep a local opera company going strong. My voice teacher asked me if I'd like to do it, and I'm really excited. I haven't gotten far on my music yet, but I'll get there. And right after that finishes, auditions for Into the Woods start up. I'm hoping third time's a charm, though I'm trying not to raise my hopes (and therefore my nerves,) too high. It's a smallish cast, and there are so many talented people in this city; I really am no competition for them, but I figure at the very least I learn something each time, and hopefully it will help with my stage fright that I don't understand.

And in less weighty conversation, but still squee-worthy, hopefully by the end of this week I will have a kitty of my very own. I think Amy and I are going to the shelter today for round 2 in the quest to find the perfect one. I miss my family's kitty so much while I'm up here, I couldn't do another two years off campus without my own cuddley friend in the house.

It's been really hot for here, and so my jumps and segues have been suffering horribly, I'm sorry. Between the heat, the traffic that loves to clatter by my window, and the neighbors above who are as active at 3 in the morning as they are at 9, I'm tired. I'm waiting for that deep-sleeper persona I'm supposed to get after living in a loud house for a while. But all that to ask forgiveness for awkward sentence structures and iffy transitions. I should probably get up and make breakfast or something, start establishing a normal schedule for myself.


school, bored, the curtain rises

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