preparing the nest, and roasting in the process

Aug 13, 2010 08:44

I went up to school-town to unload some furniture into the new house. It's slowly starting to look like a home, if I could just find carpets to cover the poor wood floors. But either way, I have couches, and awesomely huge bookshelves, and all that jazz. I almost had the kitty to go with it, but that didn't work out as planned.

Also had the great fortune to be staying in a house with no air conditioning during one of the hottest weeks of the entire summer. 90 with 90% humidity? I do not approve. But I guess it's better than being at home, where they had like seven thunderstorms this week. Not so terribly sad I missed most of that. I didn't escape it all though; we got one up here on Saturday that lasted for...six and a half hours. It was exhausting being that tweaky for that long. Didn't much help that I was alone in someone else's house all night. And then last night.... I thought we were just in for some rain. It did the rumbly thing right before I went to bed, whatever, and then, ironically at 3:33 in the morning, I was promptly ripped from sleep by the loudest fucking thunder I have ever heard. It boomed, it flashed, it crashed, and it set off no less than three car alarms. And then it got quiet after one more, until right about as I was drifting off to sleep again. This happened about five times, and I am firmly convinced someone was messing with me, because huge thunder booms like that should just not be timed so well to piss me off. I'm hoping we're headed for better weather now; that would make my week.

Meeting Kate for coffee today, maybe checking out an estate sale, and then going home, where I have not been for a week. And then tomorrow...we goes to see Wicked. I are so excited, and it will actually start showing once I've had a night of sleep that isn't roasting on the hard mattress of doom with the humidity from hell. We're taking grandma and aunt to the afternoon show, and I am ve'y ve'y happy. Cool stuff like this just does not hit Minneapolis very often.

But I've procrastinated enough, there are things to do and pack, and mom hasn't twigged to the fact I'm hiding upstairs updating the internet, or she'd be yelling that I should be downstairs doing something productive.


a place to call home, protesting to weather

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