Jan 13, 2010 23:47
Just submitted the last of the 5 grad school applications! I have no idea how they look, or if I even have a prayer anywhere I applied, but at this point, there's nothing I can do about it, and this feels absolutely fan-freaking-tastic. I even submitted two days before the deadline, which is...so weird for me. I don't do things ahead of time. It would leave me with too little stress in my life.
To be fair, I'm having minor anxiety that one of my writing samples won't make it to a school on time, but as someone at the grad comm helpfully reminded me, since I know for a fact the secretary is out of the office until Tuesday, my stuff probably won't get looked at until then anyway. And it's only going from Minnesota to Indiana, so I can't imagine it taking too long in the mail, unless it got lost or something. But we're just going to pray that doesn't happen.
And let's not forget that I have to fight with ETS about that delayed subject test still, but I feel fortified by emptying a lot of stuff off my plate. So bring it on, bitches.
Except, don't bring it on too hard, because once this high fades, you could be awful and make me cry like a little girl pretty easily. So be kind despite my bravado.
Now, as long as this cough doesn't turn into a real cough, we might be in business. If I could have one academic wish for the moment, grad school things aside, it would be to have a manageable semester coming up. So we'll see how it goes. In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy the two packed-full days I have left of break, and try to mentally prepare myself for the last semester of undergrad.
Now, off to sleep, or maybe read, or maybe make panicky contingency plans of what I'll do if all my applications get rejected.
grad school is for masochists