This is why I love history

Dec 09, 2009 23:51

Because it can fail so epically, and it's hilarious.

We had the history of Christmas lecture today, and inbetween learning history, and having fun debunking myths about how Christmas was celebrated because the early Christians wanted to take over a pagan feast day because 'that'll show 'em,' history prof directed our attention to:
Evil holidays: why every holiday from Christmas to mother's day is evil, and why good Christians should not celebrate any of them.

People make me laugh...and then headdesk. But at least I get some amusement out of it.

And that is the fun part about the Christmas lecture; he isn't telling anyone what their beliefs should be, only what the myths were that got spawned during the Puritan purging of Christmas, and other such history-raping events.

...That, and we get to laugh at the internet.

Now, papers. And sleep, yes. That too.


wtf? history: watch it go in circles

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