Jun 08, 2009 01:02
1. My computer is going out of its way to piss me off. Inserting symbols in my Spanish downloads and having the internets continuously fail in many little ways. I did just renew its coverage, so technically I could take a large heavy stick to it...hm. Must think on this farther.
2. Plans for the wedding have finally been close to finalized. We're driving down to Missouri on Friday with Andy's mom, instead of Andy, to go to Josh's wedding. He is only 2 months older than I am; the entire experience is going to be a little surreal. But Em and Kris and I are sharing a hotel room, and things are turning out a little cheaper than planned, which is a relief to all of us.
3. I have fallen in love all over again with HMC. Am unsure where this is going to lead, except that it and Torchwood are prompting me to follow Shinju's lead and record things, except for with that Welsh accent that is ridiculously harder than it seemed at first.
3.1. There is something gramatically wrong in the point above. But I have a headache, and can't make my brain think of the right way to say it.
4. I lied. This is probably not technically considered a "real" post. I'm also still slacking off on those book reviews. But this is all I can manage with any sort of coherence for the time being.
ETA: computer tried to eat my post. I can has stick now?
nerd violence,