Pointless post is pointless

May 30, 2009 15:36

You would think I'd post so much more now that I have time. But I've been lazy in pretty much all respects. I owe a few book reviews still, and they'll come eventually. Though I should probably hurry with that, before my book list outstrips the time I'm willing to put into writing reviews.

Things are going well so far though. The grad party season has started, and I think we finally have plans close to settled for going down to Josh's wedding mid-June. I'm a little weirded out that my friend is getting married, but what's there to do. We all knew he'd be the first.

Lessee, other things to report...I get to go visit Jen in August! This has been an ongoing battle for years, and mom's finally relented. She's still nervous as hell, but I have my tickets, and it's going to be great. Busy month though, and plans for that segment of the summer have changed ten different times. But I quite like the arrangement now. Paniwi is coming at the end of July, and about a week after she leaves I'm tailing it up to Canada. Good times will be had by all. And then I can start plotting just how I'm going to manage to sneak back across the ocean to England. Look't me go.

I heard about this in the introduction to Gaiman's Smoke and Mirrors, and thought it sounded pretty damn awesome. Upon reading, I was correct. As anthologies go, nearly every story hit a very good note with me. It's rekindled my love of all things fairy. It had a huge variety, Cinderella, and stories about changelings, and lots about Little Red, in many different forms.

The one drawback, which I usually don't find much of one, was the huge amounts of sex. It was a collection of authors, which made it hard to point fingers at any one person, but there was a portion of the book where the sex stories were just too thick. I'm not usually one to mind the porn really, but I was a little irritated that half the authors' definition of "give us an adult style fairy tale," was "yay I can write the story of Little Red and throw in sex!", insert fairy tale of choice in there. There were also some stories, such as "Changelings," which were just really what I thought should have been the main focus of the book, and they made up for the ones that really were just an excuse to write porn. I only ask originality, folks. As Gaiman has proved, if you give me that, then I'm willing to put up with almost anything for the sake of a good plot.

After getting through the one really thick-sex part of the book, it was just great. I've also been provided with some new anthologies and authors to check out. Will be raiding the bookstores soon.

Also: It had "Troll Bridge" in it. It doesn't take much beyond that to win me over, at least a little.

I sunburned one shoulder at this morning's grad party. I didn't even have the luck to manage to burn everything equally. Now I look all lopsided.


book worms are eating my brain, dance and squeee!

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