Karma, you need not try to balance everything out today.

Mar 09, 2009 14:27

There is the good, there is the bad, and there is the meh. And there is also the fucking amazing. And that comes in the form of my midterm/paper-that-was-going-to-drive-me-to-defenestration getting moved from Wednesday to Friday, because of upcoming possible snow, and a girl in the class blindsiding the professor with logic.

The bad comes in the form that one half of my really expensive Christmas present headphones stopped working today. I hope to God there was some sort of warrantee, because otherwise I'm going to be pissed. These are not something I can afford to replace.

Another good: I found a grad program in Iowa that would let me use classes in old and middle english and Beowulf as my foreign language requirement. As old english is on my list anyway, this is fantastic.

And the other bad: Geology lab test. I need not say more. This class can go leap off a metamorphic rock cliff.

So, in short, the epic good is being tossed in with the epic bad, and I would just like to have a fully good day here. Is that too much to ask?

I'll be off counting the hours and minutes until it's break now.


school, shit happens, dance and squeee!

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