Pwned by the German

Jan 27, 2009 17:57

As a language and music obsessor respectively, I'm slightly ashamed of myself. The German piece for this semester is kicking my ass. I don't know why, but I cannot grasp this language. It leaks in one ear and out the other. At least before, with Italian and French, I knew what my mouth was supposed to do with the words. But this singing in German stuff is not going well. And I feel bad, because it looks like I haven't practiced.

In better news, the guitar lesson went well this morning. The prof was alright with the fact that I am a complete N00B, and he's starting from the basic of the basic basic. We're working on chords, and discovering music to learn later along the way. We had a nice bonding moment when we realized that one of the progressions I'm supposed to learn is the basic melody for the Hallelujah song from Shrek. So he's finding music for it, and whenever I stop having clumsy fingers, I'm going to learn how to play it. And I think, as long as it's not classical, that he'll pretty much let me pick my music, which is awesome. Once I stop being embarrassing, I'll try to post some of it up here.

Schoolwork is piling up, and it sucks, so I'm just going to pretend that music classes are all I have to think about. If I put my fingers in my ears long enough, the History of Football paper will go away, and so will the glosses, and so will the football creative project, get the picture.

And the lit magazine that we're reviving from the scrap heap is going swimmingly. We had a table out in the hall today to advertise for our poetry slam that's coming up, and we've got the "give us your writing!" Email sent out to everyone. Hopefully the magazine will turn out, since we're all completely winging it. I'm trying to decide if I should submit something or not. I don't know how I feel about having people I know in person read my writing. I've gotten too used to being able to hide behind the nice shield of the internet. Kendra wants me to read at the poetry thing, but I think that'd probably feel a lot like dancing naked, so I probably won't do it. But who knows, I've done weirder things.

And since I apparently can't type, I'm going to go do my homework now, or read, or go watch TV and pretend I have nothing to do. Something will come to me.



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