25 things, because I am a preestablished sheep

Jan 25, 2009 01:06

Blame kl1964 for this. Or my meme addiction. One of the two.

1. I've been to 5 different countries, 6 including Canada.
2. I've swam in 5 of them.
3. I was in gymnastics as a child.
4. I have an obsession with learning languages.
5. I've been known to do extremely bad ballet around my kitchen when no one's home.
6. I'm petrified to the point of calling it phobia of bees, thunderstorms, and needles.
6. I won't walk under garage doors when they're opening.
7. I lived in the same house for twelve years, and then moved two miles away.
8. I sneeze like a mouse.
9. I love doing pottery, and fully intend to own a wheel someday.
10. I drink any form of alcohol ridiculously slowly, as in 2 drinks in 6 hours.
11. I want to own rats.
12. I love classic english-majory literature, and I love a lot of literature that was written purely for my entertainment and probably has absolutely no literary value.
13. I have only, so far, cried twice where other people were present and watching, outside of family.
14. I detest arrogance above anything else.
15. one of my biggest dreams is to go on an archaelogical dig to Egypt.
16. I grew up listening to country music.
17. I practically live in Canada, and say "yall" quite often.
18. I love english football.
19. I am an unashamed devoted fan of Dr. Who.
20. I hate 70% of the new music that comes out.
21. I have a collection of boxes that I add to every time I travel.
22. I dislike having my picture taken, and look like an idiot in most photos due to an inability to smile like a human being when I'm "under the lens."
23. I've had knee issues ever since hyper-extending my knee in seventh grade gym class, and made them worse by being a breaststroker for five years.
24. I am an extremely insecure person on occasion, and used to be too shy to order at restaurants. Thankfully, this has vastly improved.
25. I am a lutheran who attends a Polish Catholic church, and love it more than I could ever express in writing.

So, there you have it. I've just spent the last 5 hours watching House with my roommates, I bought 7 new books today, and tomorrow my uncle is coming over with his manly knowledge of construction to help me put my from-a-box 30 dollar bookshelf together, because Target's excuses for plastic peg screws failed miserably. I've also got to finish linguistic glosses, because I ran into the KL in the bookstore today, and he made a point of reminding me of what I owed him, I've got to take an online geology quiz, read a Witman poem, and maybe read some nutrition so that I can get a few weeks ahead on the homework and not have to think about it/want to punch the professor for an extended period of time.


quizzes and memes

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