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divine love rotynd January 15 2008, 16:36:23 UTC
Oh, that’s just what I do! My first impression is always colored by much revision long, long after the fact. Or usually. Not always.

Anyway, though - yes. WTFery will hit you eventually, but you will not care, because the book is so damn good. I adore his Loki and Odin so much. Odin/Loki OTP, I tell you.

I can only tell you to get reading Sandman promptly, because otherwise there will be Deliciously Dark Nail Gaiman withdrawal. And, I mean, comic books. You can get through one in an hour. More if you take time to jot down the lovely quotes, as I should have done at the time.

Mm. Seriously, though. American Gods FTW.


Re: divine love katia_chan January 15 2008, 17:47:40 UTC
Definitely. Owe you my reading life for suggesting this to me.

One thing, loved so much, how he managed to keep the love interest in there without making it a "love interest." We had Laura, but somehow you just knew that wouldn't last, but yet it gave just enough of a hint at romance that the lack of it anywhere else was pretty much unnoticed. And I just have a soft spot for her...dead women who pwn completely are awesome.


Re: divine love rotynd January 17 2008, 13:40:13 UTC
Oh yes. Laura was seven different kinds of cool. And that book was just so incredible. I wanna re-read it now...

Hm. And I saw some net-people complaining the other day because there was nothing fundamentally 'American' about Shadow [aside from being Native American, people?], which I really don't get the point of. I mean, the point was America-the-continent, right? The frontier. Not America-the-country. Heck, one of the earliest scenes pretty much has to take place in Canada, if I remember correctly.

But anyway, the mindfuckery that is Odin, the Oz-ish calm and love that is Shadow, the whole thing. It's always about blood...


Re: divine love katia_chan January 17 2008, 17:24:08 UTC
You should reread it. If I have my guesses correct, this book has quite the draw of its own. I know I'm going to end up rereading, with or without my own conscent.

You know, I think they're missing the point...shadow is American in the way of the very very basics, not the shallow stuff, and yes, the Native American thing...their argument's got absolutely nothing.

And I'm trying (this is sad as I just finished it) to remember which part took place in Canada...it eludes me. I know Minnesota and Wisconsin, but I don't remember Canada, though I'm sure it was in there somewhere.

Gaiman is the king of plot twists, he really is. Damn. It's fairly hard to surprise me in books, but this one threw me for a loop until the very start of the final battle. And that sealed my love for it.


Re: divine love rotynd January 19 2008, 14:16:24 UTC
Urgh, see, and I should have said which scene, because it was a flashback - but when the Vikings came over, the ones that all died, before even Lief and whatnot. They made with the sacrificing to Odin, so when Lief came over, his gods were there and waiting. I don't remember it SAYING exactly where they were in America, but... Vikings. I kind of figure it was the Canada part.

Oh the battle. God. The manipulations. There is Pirates-level 'everyone's out for himself' in there. It is extraordinary.


Re: divine love katia_chan January 19 2008, 18:24:38 UTC
It makes me think of "The Riddle" from SP...though that's still my official Pirates theme song. So perfect.

And you're right, that would probably be right, because the Norwegion and Sweedish and all the Scandinavian blood does come down through Canada to our neck of the upper midwest.

We have so many Carlsons and Andersons it's not even funny.


Re: divine love rotynd January 21 2008, 18:25:00 UTC
" 'The Riddle' from SP"? It's... just on the tip of my brain. Remind me?

Yeah. I mean, Canada is just closer, and you're only going to go so far when you're freezing your ass off across an ocean in a little wooden boat.


Re: divine love katia_chan January 22 2008, 00:24:41 UTC
Scarlet Pimpernel. I really need to stop using abbreviations; I've confused many with them lately.

And I think I need to add the "because there's only so far you'll go when you're freezing your ass off in a little wooden boat" to the list of icons I visualize but will never make. Love it.


Re: divine love rotynd January 23 2008, 15:34:00 UTC
ACK. It has been too long by far since I listened to that. I think Em lost our copy again. Must unearth it.

...Oh wait. Didn't I steal a copy and hide it in my room? I should look into that, yes indeed.

Haha! Oh, the list of should-be-icons. I have one of those. Someday, I swear. Ish.


Re: divine love katia_chan January 24 2008, 04:23:19 UTC

Such a lovely soundtrack. I have the encore version, which...most is pretty good.

But still, whatever version, it's the perfect song for backstabbing, and instantly came to mind, especially for Pirates...but then, it just gets more and more applicable.

I don't kid myself...I'll never get to them, but my list will still amuse me.


Re: divine love rotynd January 29 2008, 21:21:12 UTC
Ooh! Hey, do you want our version, of Scarlet Pimpernel? I could send it to you. We have two, actually, but the first one - the concept album - is the BEST. Of course, I heard it first, so I would think that. But still.

I have to keep an actual list, speaking of all of this. I have one, actually, but it's defunct. I did them all. Now I just have vague memories of all the ones that should be on it in case I find time.


Re: divine love katia_chan January 29 2008, 23:59:28 UTC
Ah, would you really be willing to do that? I would love you dearly. I love that musical utterly and unexplainably.


Re: divine love rotynd January 31 2008, 23:26:49 UTC
I am so remiss. I've probably offered before and forgotten. I'll have it to you by Monday at the latest [should be tomorrow, but if I forget the CD in the scramble from Nana's to home, then it'll be Sunday or Monday].

Speaking of which - have you had any luck on Superstar? Or - was it just Ritsu's song I was missing...? From your Master FB soundtrack.

P.S: I'm home now. Guess what I don't have? So, yes. Monday.


Re: divine love katia_chan February 1 2008, 00:03:49 UTC
I'm willing to wait as long as it takes, I'm just excited to eventually have it.

And I haven't had much time to search for Superstar, but I will find it! I appologize it's taking so long!

And Ritsu's song...I'm still trying to find it. For being an older famous-ish song, it's damned hard to locate. No one has it...but I'll find it if it takes (insert dramatic sacrifice here.) I promise!


Re: divine love rotynd February 1 2008, 18:28:32 UTC
Oh, it's not taking long. Especially betwixt us. I think there is a mutual understanding of lateness, which it isn't even yet. I just wondered.

As for Ritsu, oye, if it's that hard, don't worry about it - I have a YouTube account, and people have the song there, so could ask one of them to give it to me. Or buy it on iTunes; I think they're like ninety-nine cents. Even I have that, between the couch cushions.

Monday, though. I swears it.


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