Jul 17, 2005 17:39
finally updating>>
6/29 packed for california with jenna & flew to L.A.
6/30 got up early and flew to San Francisco, ate at papa vinos (ILOVE), went shopping (um ya there was a three story Forever 21, bye bye money..) then grocery shopping and jenna and i made dinner lol (pasta, green beans, crackers w/ peanut butter, chips andd ya yummay!
7/1 went down to the Warf (dock thing where you can see Alcatraz at the end which used to be this big jail place where they sent the worst of all bad guys and um creepy) then went shopping down Pier 39, wax museum which was pretty good and Ghirardelli's caues thats like where it is and we got like one of every flavor andwhen we got back to the hotel we cut them all up and had chocolate tasting and rated them 1-10 and dark chocolate with mint filling won, yey for chocolate :)
7/2 met up with jennas moms cousin david (whos gay, seriously) and um he took us to this random as hell mexican place and then jenna was like um ya mom i left my camera in the car? and so we went and sat in the car and talked to melissa for like seriously and hour, gay. then we went and walked around the Berkley collage campus and it sucked, dont go there but DONT worry caues we found a shoe store :):)
7/3 drove around the edge of these huge gorgeous mountains omg amazing and drove over the Golden Gate Bridge
7/4 met up with jennas dad's aunt sally (yes shes like 80 sum) and went to this other random place for lunch, dropped her off, drove to Carmel, went down to the beach for fireworks and ok so there was this car and it was set for when it heard loud noises, its alarm thing goes off, so the WHOLE time its alarm thing went off, asefase;oi so annoying wow. then we went to denny's caues it was like the only thing there and yick it was sick....ok i just rhymned gross. ya um then we went back to the hotel and went swimming & hoped that boys would come but um NO never.. ha ok so i brought these glow in the dark glow stick glasses, bracelets and neclaces and so we wore those and we put our complimentary robes on and walked around and we were sweeeeeet YA!
7/5 aquarium, not so bad, then we went to eat at this place called archies and it was really cool and omg best oreo shake ever gahhh. thenn we went grocery shopping and hahha so the night before we were sitting with jen's parents and we were like tired so we werent talking and they were like ok whats up, what plan do you guys have and i was like oh we have this secret plan and jenna was like oh big plan and her mom was like omg what is it, whens it gonna happen? and got like all into it and i was like psh not telling blah blah (there was no plan) and then they left and jenna was like ok um whats our plan and then we decided that we needed to prank them ok so back to this day, so we went grocery shopping (jenna her mom and i) and we like ran away from her mom for a while and ok so you know how like in the isles there are stupid like 99 cent toys that just like hang on the side, ok so we went up and down the isles and picked up little ducks that had bubble soap in them, balloons and glow in the dark stickers. k so then i sprit for my life to one of the open registers cause her mom was like an isle away from me and im like crouched down the lady was like, "IS THIS IT? OKK...YOUR TOTAL IS 6 DOLLARS AND 24 CENTS (i dont really remeber what it was) BLAHBLAH.." well ok so point is she was yelling and mrs. C was looking for us and she walked right by me like seriously four times and didnt see me cause she was looking the other way AMAZING ahh. ok and then we went to see war of the worlds and i was like ok cause i was thinking that this was just like a stupid guy movie and there would be like a couple ppl killed or something but um NO it was scarry as hell DONT GO SEE IT jenna and i were like ready to piss ourselfs and i was like gonna leave i swear lol. after the movie i was like so scared omggggg nightmares alsejfd
7/6 hmmm ok so mr and mrs decided to go to the lobby and eat breakfast cause jenna and i were still "sleeping" and we werent hungry so they leave and we decided to deck out their room caues we had like seperate rooms. so we take toilet paper and strung it from the ceiling and put the glow in the dark stickers up and blew up the balloons and HA it was sweet. oh and for some weird reason i brought duck tape? and so thats what we used and i taped a giant K & J on their wall oh yaaaa then they came back and we blew the bubbles at them and it was sweet. then we went on this 17 mile drive around pebble beach or pismo beach or something lol idk and went shopping which i dont remeber but ok.. then went shopping down another street and jenna and i got palm readings OMG so cool wow. lol ok so my lifes gonna be pretty fricken sweet and except for saying that i was a nature person? she was pretty right on. jenna on the other hand, lol ohh man well jenna is gonna be married 2 or 3 times and go through 2 or 3 jobs (def no but ok) ha but i think that because i went first i got the good life and cause jenna went second she had to change it up and gave her the bad life lol funny. then we went to louie linguinis for dinner and it was betty betty good LMAO i love you mrs. c omg yes. then we went back to the hotel and went swimming againn and packed/watched harry potter 3 or something OH YA
7/7 drove for a couple hoursssss and then went to the big ass hurst mansion which is like the biggest mansion in the US or something and it was so effing boring but w/e then we went to pismo beach, to the hotel and to our surprise...THERE WERE BOYS! ahh ok so jenna and i havent seen guys in like more then a week now so we were going through withdrawl...big time. so we run to our room, put our bathing suits on and go swimming. k so we go to the hot tub and theres this ok guy there but he had an ear pierced (sick) but w/e. so then like 5 minutes later before we started talking to him and his friends or w/e some guy was like ya ok i have to close the hot tub now (GAHHHHHHHHHH) so jenna and i go back to the room, change to pj's and walk around outside...k well to our surprise again, the guys out there. so we go up to him and start talking or w/e and he had a cigarett with him and he was like so do you guys smoke and we were like uh no.. and he was like oh k well i wont light up then.. (SICKO) k so we keep talking or w/e and he was like well do you guys wanna come up to my room, so w/e we did and we sat there for awhile and it was gay and he was gay and i hope he dies of throat cancer :) ha im so nice. then we went back to our room, painted nails and watched our usual on VH1 yey
7/8 drove to huntington (our hotel was a gay piece of ass. for example: no MTV or VH1 and what else? lol idk but it was our worst hotel.) ordered pizza andd guess what? we went swimming
7/9 went to downtown huntington which was really cool but it was mostly like surf shops and went shopping for a while, then we went to mr. c's cousins house which was like amazingly nice and went swimming in their 92 degree pool :) then we had steak and chicken and yum yum for dinner and watched tv until we left
7/10 hollywoodddddd and to our luck, the premiere of charlie and the chocolate factory, so jen and i waited for like two hours next to these crazy ppl who are like obsessed with him and we were like hey w/e and so then finally limos show up, and first the little kids get there and they were really cute and ok so the little boy in finding neverland is charlie in the movie and omg ppl were going so crazy it was insane. then tim burton (the director of the movie and of james and the giant peach, edward sissor hands & nightmare before christmas was there and hes weird. then seth green (red head in rat race) something griffith (the bandarez's guys wife) and frankie muniz showed up and then finally johny got there, cool experience. then we went and walked around and saw the kodak theatre (where the acadmy awards and american idol finals are) and went to this weird museum place thing and CPK lol. then when we were done sight seeing, we went to see fantastic four which i though kinda sucked but the fire guy was really hott and funny so idk it was ok.
7/11 went to Laguna Beach and walked around and shopped and stuff ha ya we tried to find the place where steven works on the show but we didnt like even know what it was called so ya didnt work. then after shopping and such, we went to medieval times COOLEST THING EVER. ok so we were in the "royalty section" so we had the front row and the winning knight so it was awesome. ok so we were all just like yelling our heads off hahah funny as hell and ok so you know how like when your knight wins he gives his section flowers or w/e? ok so i was the first to get a flower thank you lol hah probably because i was like out of my seat screaming hahaha then later on we were like trying to get jenna one and he like mouthed one second and winked? so we were like uhh ok buddy.. so then he wins the next game and we go crazy again and we were like no ok what are you doing.. and then at the end of all the games each knight gets this cool like ribbon/banner thing and he gave that to her, so it was all good. then ok so like before the show started we were sitting in the lobby area waiting for it to start and there was this guy just like STARING at us and he was a cutie so jen and i were like ahh i love you lol so we like follow him in somewhat and then after the show they were like ok we're gonna have some dancing around the bar after the show so go, so we run to go pee first caues i swear that was the most i ever had to pee in my life and then we went to the dance area and he was gone : / shucks. so ha there was no one dancing so jenna and i go and then this little like 7 year old girl comes up and starts dancing like crazy and we were like YAAAAA WOOO lol fun. then we like semi lost our voices but it wasnt that bad.
7/12 went in search for a good breakfast place and we ended up stoping at this place called Carrows and they basicly had everything there possibly is in the world and it was all amazing. then we went to this cool little theme park called Knott's. ok so it was like a smaller less cool cedar point but it was still really fun. they had this one ride where you would do like loops and stuff and then you would stop and then it would go backwards really fast and wow freaky as hell lol. then we did this other cool water ride which i wont even try to explain...ya then all four of us went on the giant ass water ride (just like cedar points with the bridge) and yea that was fun lol. thennnn we went back to Carrows for dinner YUM but..they didnt have strawberry shortcake caues the big cheese was in town lol
7/13 back to carrows for the cake lol not joking. then we went to venice beach which is where like all the weirdos go and like breakdance and stuff and shopped more cause i wasnt in debt enough with jenna lol and then we took a red eye home : / worst flight ever, didnt sleep at all askdgslkeoi
ok so for the past four days, i dont relaly like remeber what i did. oh i went to sports camp for a day which was fun, then melissa for her birthday I LOVE YOU yea we basicly sat and talked for evaaa and i loved it cause i love them with my life and we ate really good cake that i want right now and um i love them so leave us ALONE! i love this trio, dont mess. hm yea i also slept a lot, went to my moms aunts funeral who i never met but ok, had company over today which suckeddddd (ask jordan lol) and did a lot of laundry which i need to go get. hm ok so today my internet started working so yesterday i didnt do anything caues there was nothing to do becaues i had to internet (im a lazy ass) so now im gonna go update my webshots and wait for melissa to come online cause HA yessssssss.
"you make my pee pee go do-ing do-ing" - jennas father.