Apr 26, 2006 23:49
so i'm really self-conscious about my feet. there's apparently something a little off with the bone connecting my big toe to the rest of my foot that makes that toe slant inward and sort of force its way partly under the second toe. on both feet, i don't know. apparently it's genetic, my mom's feet are pretty ugly too. anyway, this weird structural error results in huge calluses forming on the bottom/sides of each of my big toes, like from how i walk and how my toes rub against my shoes or something. anyhow, this basically results in my feeling really, really fucking self-conscious anytime i'm not wearing shoes or when i'm wearing sandals. to the point where i absolutely cannot stop thinking about my feet, and how awfully mutated they look. if you ever see me in sandals, you can rest assured i'm thinking about getting home and into my chucks at that very moment.
this was the only bad thing about lifeguarding for four summers. my mother thinks i'm absolutely insane for thinking this way, because her feet are far worse than mine, but i can't help it dudes.