...WeLL NeiTheR onE oF Us DeSeRveS the bLaMe BeCauSe OPPorTuNiTiEs MoVed Us AwaY...

Jan 29, 2004 23:48

ahh first day over. i thought this semester was gonna be easy. ha. i was so wrong. but whatever. it's college. i can't always take the easy way out of things right? anyway, i think this semester will be good for me. i feel motivated for some reason. ha. i give it a week. then i'll be dying to go back on vacation...

anyhoo nikki and i blew a lot of money on books today. she spent more than i did tho. and then our smart asses went to valley fair. heh. did some shopping. baaaadd...well i wasn't as bad as i thought i'd be. i think i'm actually learning to control my spending. but macy's is having a sale this friday and saturday. uh ohs....teehee...i love having the same schedule as nix...we get to hang out a lot more this semester!! yay!

so the stores are starting to sell summer stuff...it's only the end of january. sheesh. but that would be a sign for me to get off my lazy ass and start...running?...exercising?...eating healthier?...hehe...i ono man. sounds tough to me. LoL. oh but i for sure need to tan...my legs are so fucking white....damn...anyhoo maybe i'll start running...anyone want to run with me??? maybe my sister will...lalala...

haha oh i wonder if i should do this...brian sabean is gonna have an online chat friday morning at 11. oohh the things i'd like to say to that man...but i will be at work=P poo. and i read that nen's future is still uncertain. idiots. let's just let tim worrell go and leave us with a closer with an uncertain future...gah...idiots i tell ya, idiots. i'm getting angry again...must think happy thoughts....happy thoughts...

okidoki so i may not have school tomorrow (yay!) but i do have work. so i better get to bed...nite nite!!

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