Feb 26, 2009 11:47
My body is in shock. No, not by the official medical definition, just the "what the fuck is going onnnnnn!" kind.
I am tiiiiired. I'm sore. I'm waking up a few times a night from dreams about patients I didn't remember or calls I didn't make. I don't have energy to do...well, really anything - including blogging. Hence my recent absence from your friends page/feed reader.
Basically, my job is kicking my ass right now.
And i LOVE IT.
Cause, the toll it's taking on my body will totally go away once I get a bit more comfortable in the job, and with finally being active again. I mean, for a good four months, I was hardly taxing my body or mind at all. The longer I went without a steady paycheck, the more disappointed and kinda depressed I became, and the lazier I got. So, now that I'm in a job that keeps me on my toes, and keeps my brain and body going, it's like this strange intense full-time workout.
And since I know that I'll get over it, it really is just a constant reminder that THINGS ARE CHANGING!
Not changing soon, but RIGHT NOW.
And it's only the beginning.
Plus, know what? I freaking love my job. Besides the whole keeping me on my toes thing, and the fact that I feel absolutely essential every day (which is often not the case as a temp...obviously), there are a ton of little perks. For instance, there's a fruit stand right on the corner in front of the office. And i LOVE ny fruit stands. Secondly, the people I work with are supercool...my boss/manager/whatever and I had a really fun philosophical discussion about religion (NOT a religious discussion...they're very different things :D), and....ohhhhh and.....I work in a place with beds. This means: naptime is a go!! My friends at Chronic Nappers Anonymous* will be so excited for me :)
So, yeah...life is starting its upswing. There's alot more coming, too...but you'll have to wait to hear about that.
*Not an actual organization