thanks to my wonderful brother, i am finally able to post some awesome pictures from my birthday party. and so, here they come! i wish i had more. i know they exist, but i don't know where they are...
okay, so, pictures!!
My friend Amber, who was awesome enough to host this shindig, also made me a cake
It had a picture of Hello Kitty on it and said "Hello Kathy". it was cute. this is me cutting it while REALLY drunk.
This is Shan. She is awesome. Maybe it's because she's Indian..... ;)
Here's Jon and me! Now, this picture is interesting, because he looks REALLY drunk, and I look pretty sober, when in fact, Jon barely drank anything, and i was pretty much toasted.
I LOVE this picture! We're just so pretty! From Left to Right: Deana, Aaron (two specimens of awesomeness that are in the Opera with me), Davis, Jon, Kathy, Robin (behind me...see her nose??), the very spiffy-looking Zak, half of Joel, and Chad.
That one's my desktop picture right now. I told you i love it!!
Aaron, Deana, and Celena (who unfortunately was out of town...), fun opera friends, decided to rename my party "Kathy's Big Gay Birthday". This is an example of why. Don't be fooled, there were more.
-Corey, Chad, Zak (i mean, really, he looked hot!), Joel, and Davis-
Corey bought me a great birthday present. It was a bottle of Peppermint Schnaaps.
The Recipe: Peppermint Schnaaps plus Chocolate Syrup minus Shot Glass equals the most fun shot EVER.
This is Aaron having his 5th or so. He's a shot whore.
Speaking of good birthday presents, Morgan got me a cape!
it went like this: "Kathy, you're my hero!" "really?? do i get a cape??" "Sure!" *laughter*
but he REMEMBERED! it's cool, man. It's way cool.
and here we are, probably right after i saved him from a speeding train or something
And this one....oh, this picture. it's my favorite. I actually don't remember being in it. I almost remember yelling at Davis to come take it. However, I have been assured that I will get to recreate it when i'm not too drunk to remember.
Me: "You have some very nice abs"
Phillip (the owner of the abs) "Made even better by your spit"
and now, here's a couple more that Davis gave me, that i think are pretty. yeah, i'm vain. deal with it.
It was right after seeing Urinetown. Man, that was a great show!!
Joel was awesome. and we look cute. who am i kidding, he's cute, and i just look it by association. but i'm okay with that!!
hope you enjoyed them! i did!!