I seem to have slipped behind a bit. We haven't done much this week apart from go on some longish walks and make some progress with our garden refurbishment. We have had good news that our friend's cancer is not as bad as everyone first feared and he may not even need chemo, unless he chooses to have it as a precaution. That was very cheering.
We're trying to clear our TiVo at the moment, which seems to be full of things we recorded ages ago, but we did make time to watch Josh Widdicombe's episode of Who Do You Think You Are. This did not disappoint! At one point I burst out laughing when I realised where it was going and I did wonder how much they had had to leave out as they could probably have made an entire series on his ancestors alone. No spoilers for those who haven't seen it yet.
Back to meme.
9. Do you have any embarrassing usernames?
10. Have you ever done well on a test when you didn’t study?
I've done badly on tests when I have studied but I don't remember ever not studying for a test. That requires more confidence in my ability to bluff than I possess.
11. Do you still take hot showers when it’s hot out?
I still take warm showers when it's hot outside though I might turn the shower down a bit.
12. Do you like the picture on your ID?
I've had worse but this one is nearly 10 years old so will need to be updated soon when I renew my passport next year.
13. Is there someone you pretend to like but you really don't like?
Not really.
14. Have you ever raked leaves, and then played in them?
I'm sure I must have though not recently. Walking through leaves is always fun but I haven't raked any for a while.
15. What is one thing you've realized or discovered lately?
That I enjoy exercising to music.
16. Which family member did you inherit your hair color from?
My father. We both had very dark brown hair and though my mother's was also dark brown it was a shade or two lighter. Much to my annoyance I've even gone grey in the same way my dad did with big grey streaks, while my mum's hair looked as if she'd paid for grey highlights. I started having my hair coloured when I realised I didn't particularly like looking like a human badger. As I discovered in lockdown that I now look like a badger in reverse it was straight back to my hair colourist as soon as it was possible!
17. What’s the average length of a shower for you?
Depends how much of a hurry I'm in.
The rest of the October questions are behind the cut.
18. What’s something about adult life you were never warned of or prepared for?
19. If you won the lottery, do you think any of your family members would ask you to give them some of your money?
20. What is the craziest thing you’ve seen happen at your workplace?
21. Would you rather read a book or listen to the audiobook?
22. Have you ever eaten snow?
23. Curtains or blinds?
24. Have you ever adopted a stray (cat or dog)?
25. Do you own/wear any jumpsuits?
26. Do you struggle with dry skin in the winter?
27. Have you ever gotten angry at an employee and complained to the manager?
28. Do you add unnecessary letters to the end of words?
29. What was the last thing you used your phone for, besides calling/texting?
30. Do you always check the prices of things when you buy groceries?
31. How many nights per week do you cook dinner at home vs. going out to eat?