Meme time

Mar 28, 2021 16:23

Nothing really new to say. I have been doing various useful things this week but nothing of much interest. I think these people have used lockdown rather better than I have!

Back to the meme.

24. What was the size of your high school?

I went to a single sex school which took girls from age 5 to 18. The size of the school was about 1,000 altogether but the "senior" bit from 11-18 was 700. Our headmistress knew the name of every one of the 11-18 year-olds and could probably have made a fair stab at the juniors.

25. What's an opinion you held for a long time that you no longer hold?

I used to think that Richard III was as pure as the driven snow with regard to the murder of the Princes in the Tower. Now I think he was as guilty as hell.

26. What is the most frivolous item you own? (No purpose or value)

I don't think I would define anything I own as completely frivolous. We have picture on our walls that I suppose you might say have no purpose or value but they have value to us. Owning five tea sets might be considered frivolous but I inherited them so don't want to get rid of them. I can't really answer this one.

27. Have you ever failed a class?

I've failed lots of school Maths and French exams, subjects at which I do not excel, but I've never failed a public exam, so despite my woeful school exam record I have both Maths and French O Levels. I'm not sure if that's quite what the question was asking.

28. Do you have a certain way you have to sleep? (Covered, not covered, with or without noise etc)

I have to sleep covered. Even on the hottest nights I need the sheet over me. I would love to sleep without noise but our next-door-neighbour goes to work very early and often wakes us up without meaning to do so.

The rest of the March questions are behind the cut.

29. Do you manage your time well?
30. What was the last book you read?
31. What would you do if you became immortal?

personal, 2021meme

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