I meant to post this days ago but was distracted by all the shiny and beautiful promo and behind the scenes Merlin publicity photos posted by
gealach_ros from
Merlin's Keep site (which might work for me again one day). Trying to choose a new wallpaper and then remembering that if I made a slideshow I could have more than one took a lot of time and
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I love this ep so much. It was the first ep that made me really go "whoa". I agree, that it's one of the few where Arthur is acting on his own agency and he does quite well, if you ask me.
I'm pretty out of it, so I will just say, "word". You pegged it.:D
it's one of the few where Arthur is acting on his own agency and he does quite well, if you ask me.
I think so too. I wish Seasons 2 and 3 had shown him doing it more.
I just rewatched Sweet Dreams with an eye to pay attention to Vivian and Morgana and found it not so pleasing as I normally do because of that. I need to watch it with my Merlin or Arthur goggles on, like I usually do.
I hadn't noticed Bradley/Arthur or anyone else on the show that much until very recently
While I love Colin/Merlin I've been a Bradley/Arthur girl since 1.02 was first shown here in the UK :)
Are you rewatching the whole of Merlin now?
I had serious Merlin goggles until S4 hit. I mean, it was pretty much love at first sight when we see Merlin coming over the hill in the opening shot. Bradley is a great actor, but I didn't even notice him until S4. He is not my "type" and I just didn't pay him any attention. I like skinny dark haired geeks, what can I say?:)
Also, that icon kills me.
Are you rewatching the whole of Merlin now?
Sort of. I've started with Season 1 and I'm going to see how far I get. It's a bit sporadic at the moment but my original idea was a total rewatch.
Oooh, good for you. I attempted to do that before S4 started and only got through S1 and S2. I think I got part way into S3. I didn't start early enough.
Also, S3 is not compelling in the same way as the first two seasons, oddly enough. I love some of the eps in S3, but the ones I don't love are just not memorable.
LOL. I hope it doesn't take you that long to watch all three seasons! I'd offer to watch with you, but I'm distracted with other things right now.
At the moment, I'm trying to podfic two very short pieces that are due by Sunday night. Plus I have this quilt I want to work on and I have my own writing goals (trying for about 1K/week) and I need to get started on that. Nevermind that I have a husband and two kids and things I do off the internet as much as I try to have all my activities be on the internet:D.
I may have to go watch 1.04 today though. I have to watch the popping collar that rodneyscat posted today in shot_of_colin:)
I feel like such a slacker today. I didn't: cook any food, fold any laundry, or cut any more of my dragon quilt today.
I did play around with recording podfic, posted fic to AO3, and spent a couple minutes thinking about a new fic. Oh, and I watched The Changeling (trying to watch all of S3 since I got the DVDs).
(And I did get the kids to school, read to DD2's class, and picked them up and took them to the library after too.)
Sorry to hear about the migraine! Now you're distracting me with that awesome icon again. Hope you are feeling better.
The migraine wasn't too bad in the end and I feel much better now thanks. It did mean I rationed my computer time and about the only things I managed to do were shop, cook and ring my parents. Hopefully tomorrow will be more useful!
*fist bump* Let's hope tomorrow is much more useful, yes!
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