I seem to have been posting regularly on Saturday afternoon's as a way to entertain myself before Doctor Who. Today I really need the distraction hence bullet points.
- Buffy/AtS comics: I'd got a bit behind with these or else they've come out with amazing frequency as yesterday I collected Buffy 8:16 and Angel: After the Fall 9 & 10.
I surprised myself by enjoying Buffy 8:16 quite a bit. I am a bad Joss fan as I've never read Frey but what happened to Buffy was interesting enough without any knowledge of the future Slayer. There was some crackingly good dialogue and I loved Buffy's excitement at being in New York (been there, done that, got the tee-shirt), even Kennedy wasn't too annoying and her meeting with Willow was really sweet. Centaur!Dawn was actually quite amusing and I do wonder if we're heading in a Dawn/Xander direction. Exciting ending on all counts and I'm looking forward to the next one.
After the Fall continues to be good but I'm starting to get a little lost in the maze of storylines going on. A lot of them are very intriguing - Gunn, Illyria/Fred and Spike, Wesley - but they're all starting to pile in on each other. The absolute highlight of both issues was the conversation between Wesley and Spike in issue 10, but I'm really not sure where they are going with Angel and I'm finding the action scenes a little hard to follow
- We watched Criminal Justice all last week. I really don't like it when they strip drama serials across the week but have to admit that watching it on consecutive nights did increase the impact of this. Fabulous performance by Ben Whishaw as his character lost his innocence in front of our eyes.
I was expecting a last minute revelation that he had in fact been guilty all along so was quite glad when that didn't happen, but his life (and more or less everyone else's) had obviously been completely ruined by what had happened to him. Not sure how accurate it was but it was certainly a fascinating drama with an excellent cast.
- I'm sure everyone has seen The Telegraph's list of Top 10 Doctor Who episodes by now. If not it's here and while I might agree with some of their choices I certainly don't agree with others. I suck at Top 10 lists as I can either not think of 10 at all or can't whittle it down to less than 20 and then realise I've forgotten my favourite episode but...
...I certainly wouldn't have put Talons of Weng-Chiang first. I prefer Pyramids of Mars from that era ("no Doctor, you will not die...yet") though The Brain of Morbius frightened me more. I don't think Caves of Androzani should have been above Genesis of the Daleks either and a list that doesn't include War Games is just wrong. I'm also one of those heretical people that was unimpressed by City of Death and never thought Douglas Adams and Doctor Who were a good fit. ::ducks and runs::
- And finally thanks to selenak for the link to a very funny Doctor Who vid here. Definitely one to watch when feeling angsted out.
Almost forgot to mention that we're off to Lincolnshire and the land of dial-up on Monday so I will (hopefully) be reading but probably won't be able to comment. Have a good time while I'm semi-gone.