Jun 11, 2010 10:33
1. Really enjoying FALLING IN by Frances O'Roark Dowell. So did not want to read the fantasy. Lesson learned: Open that mind.
2. Why is it that when your child takes drivers ed, you start doing things like swerving, running red lights, hitting curbs, driving up on curbs . . . am I just trying to make him feel better?
3. DH is buying me the new iPhone so I have video and much better photo ability. I'm happy about those features, still unaware of the other 999. Otherwise, it's my usual question for cars & electronics: What color is it?
4. New iPhone is for MOCKINGBIRD Tour of the South so I can blog as I go. Can't wait!
5. Still thinking about Sainsbury's lemon tarts, thanks to Jama! The gluten free lemon cookies are holding me over . . . for now.