Here I am!

Jul 08, 2005 13:23

My update for the day/month. I guess it's been awhile.

Well I gave up on the idea of Temping for the summer. Jess Johns heard that summer conferences was looking for extra people ASAP, so I contacted them and within the day I was working for the Summer Conference Desk. I am now the friendly face that everyone sees when they check in. I am also the person everyone complains to when there stuff does not work.

I enjoy my new job. I am a people person so a lot of it is my jovial make-people-feel-good type of conversation. Some guy gave me a little plastic frog the other day for saving his life when he was having computer problems and couldn't get his file to print off his computer and needed it for a workshop that afternoon. I snuck a CD with file onto my computer here and printed it off, then made him the 50 copies he wanted. We do charge for that stuff, but still, it gave him a feeling of relief to get that done, since it was the 4th of July and nothing was open. Stupid Kinkos, don't you know the Quakers are in town!!!

My dad stopped by for a visit over the holiday too. It was his first time meeting Dory. I think he really liked her. He ended up staying in Josh's apartment with us (in Andrew's room, with all of Andrew's stuff that he left here). He stayed two nights. He was usually the first person up in the morning (except for the day I had the 6am shift). He said that Dory would follow him around in the morning. Which I believe since she follows me around if I just get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

Dory is doing well. She has now started to take to sleeping on our bed. You can find her there at all hours of the night. She prefers Josh's old fleece blanket on the end of the bed, it's like catnip. Makes for a good back scratcher. Last night I made the mistake of spreading my legs (under the covers) while she was lying on that blanket. All of a sudden her eyes got wide and she charged towards me. Turns out she wanted to sleep between my legs. I made the mistake of doing it again later in the night and I found a cat, back again, between my legs.

I really am happy with my new cat. She is sooo lovable. Still acts pretty skiddish, but will plop down right in front of you and expose that belly at a moments notice. She has a good life now. Who knows what she had before, but she's enjoying it now.

I still miss my Cuddles. She was a cat only a mother could love. You can tell my dad misses having her around. She was his buddy. I think my dad is the type that needs pets. Mom, not so much, but dad is a person that needs others around him. Having a cat fulfilled that need for him.

In other news, I need to look for sites in Vegas. I'm gonna marry that wonderful man of mine! :-)
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