(no subject)

Sep 13, 2005 21:12

This house was Robbed last week at 3:15 in the afternoon one block over from my street. A neighbor there saw a man in the backyard but did not think anything of it untill later when they found out the house was robbed and the house next to it was almost robbed, the man tryed to get into there back fence but could not get the windows open.

Yesterday, a man was walking up & down our block at about 11:15 in the afternoon. Ziggy zagging across the streets going into peoples backyards with a clipboard. My family watched him because the dog was in the front yard & was barking at him, he went to our neighbors backyard fence then walked around our house since the dog was there then went in the evil neighbors backyard then went to other houses. We did not call the cops because we did not know if this was the same person who robbed that house or just a meter man but he saw us watching him all the time. He once rang a neighbors door & had a 10 minute talk with the owner of the house. Anyway, today the lady
who house was robbed said that is the same man. Has to be as he was dressed the same & had a clip board also. Guess we should of called the cops on him. So I guess he is going to hit one of the houses on our block soon since he went into everybodys yard plus he did not have a car when he was doing his zig zag thing.
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