(no subject)

Dec 20, 2004 18:44

Br1gh7 3y3d one: do you like cheese on yer tacos?
thereapersummons: yes\
Br1gh7 3y3d one: EWWWWW
thereapersummons: what?
Br1gh7 3y3d one: THAT'S HELLA GROSS
thereapersummons: stop writing big
thereapersummons: whatever
Br1gh7 3y3d one: ewwwwww
thereapersummons: its my preference
Br1gh7 3y3d one: ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Br1gh7 3y3d one: that'
Br1gh7 3y3d one: is
Br1gh7 3y3d one: so
Br1gh7 3y3d one: nasty
Br1gh7 3y3d one: naaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzztie
thereapersummons: alright, i FUCKING GET IT!!!
thereapersummons: crazy emo gurl
Br1gh7 3y3d one: lol
Br1gh7 3y3d one: lol
Br1gh7 3y3d one: hahahahahahahahaha
thereapersummons: wanna hear a cool song
Br1gh7 3y3d one: no
thereapersummons: FINE. poop on you
Br1gh7 3y3d one: ew
thereapersummons: jk
Br1gh7 3y3d one: you like cheesy tacos and pooping on people
Br1gh7 3y3d one: groooosss
Br1gh7 3y3d one: freaky
thereapersummons: hehe, thats me:-)
thereapersummons: you know you love it
thereapersummons: :-)
thereapersummons: jk
Br1gh7 3y3d one: ...
Br1gh7 3y3d one: EWWWWWWWW
thereapersummons: hahahehehoho
thereapersummons: DOOP
thereapersummons: !!!
thereapersummons: !!
thereapersummons: !
thereapersummons: .
Br1gh7 3y3d one: . . .
thereapersummons: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!
Br1gh7 3y3d one: O.O o.O O.o >.< gah
Br1gh7 3y3d one: yer sooo weird
thereapersummons: thank you
Br1gh7 3y3d one: NOT IN A GOOD WAT
Br1gh7 3y3d one: *WAY
thereapersummons: thank you
Br1gh7 3y3d one: A CREEPY RAPIST WAY
thereapersummons: thnx
Br1gh7 3y3d one: ...
thereapersummons: *evil laugh*
thereapersummons: are you intoxicated in any way right now?
Br1gh7 3y3d one: nope
Br1gh7 3y3d one: sober
thereapersummons: oh...ok
Br1gh7 3y3d one: btw talk to tom lately?
thereapersummons: haha, no
thereapersummons: did jordan tell u
Br1gh7 3y3d one: yea
Br1gh7 3y3d one: plus
thereapersummons: hehe. its wierd
Br1gh7 3y3d one: i love tom
thereapersummons: i told him i eat babies
thereapersummons: why?
thereapersummons: why do you love tom?
thereapersummons: U THERE???
Br1gh7 3y3d one: yea
Br1gh7 3y3d one: tom roxxor
thereapersummons: why?
Br1gh7 3y3d one: he's all gay and stuff
Br1gh7 3y3d one: i love gay people
thereapersummons: o.........................k?
Br1gh7 3y3d one: i fuck bi bois daily
thereapersummons: he rapes ppl tho
Br1gh7 3y3d one: bi bois are really hot
thereapersummons: creeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy
thereapersummons: no?
thereapersummons: and he like 40
Br1gh7 3y3d one: shuddup cheese taco guy
thereapersummons: *he is
Br1gh7 3y3d one: 40's hot
thereapersummons: fuck you
thereapersummons: gtg
thereapersummons: bye
thereapersummons: you keep on having sex with gay 40 year olds
thereapersummons: *wierd*
Br1gh7 3y3d one: and you fuck cheese tacos
thereapersummons: no
thereapersummons: no i dont
thereapersummons: u sick, sick peron
thereapersummons signed off at 6:41:44 PM.

thereapersummons is daniel(harrypotter) and you know wwho i am
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