
Jul 17, 2005 11:55

Kathy paints in her studio. The watercolor drips from her fingers as she smudges some areas by hand, mixing it with her brushwork.

The city. The ocean cliffs. A handsome stranger who she can't keep out of her thoughts.

Better to address it through painting than through actually facing them. Daddy might be upset with her if she actually did what she really wanted to do.

Better to paint.

The only time her true soul soars free, without the masks, without her father, without anything. She reaches out and touches her mother. And she lets herself see whoever she wants to see, however she wants to see them. How she thinks they really are.

The city, crowding the sea, trying to wall it in...

And above it all, her new friend. Someone she feels safe with. Somehow, after only a short time together, she feels safe with him.

Kathy paints.

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