Apr 17, 2002 10:24
as re-told and re-interpreted by Kathryn, bona-fide pagan.
In the beginning there was God YHVH, the I Am. And He created the universe and all that dwells within it, and when he had created all sorts of things, rivers and trees and badgers and lettuce and elephants, he created Man. When he had made them, he crouched down before them and blew on their eyes, and what he blew into them was free will -- a mind. He had never done that before. It was an experiment. He had great designs for what Man would do with this marvelous new gift.
From the very instant that Man came to life, things went horribly wrong. Brother slew brother. YHVH's plan for the world began to tilt on its axis, and he saw his hopes disintegrate before him. He tried desperately to stop things from going wrong, sending prophets with new rules and new messages, giving visions to the people, but they continued to stray. Finally, in frustration, he flushed the world clean and started over. He sent Abraham and Moses with detailed instructions on how to live and be, but as soon as he sent rules, his people found ways to break rules he hadn't sent them yet.
YHVH didn't know what to do. He was at his wits' end. Finally, he decided that there must be something he wasn't understanding, so he decided to take on flesh and become human to figure out what the deal was.
So now, Jesus walks the earth, God incarnate in Man. Every step reminds him of the constraints of being human. And what he learns is -- it's so hard. It's SO hard. As a human being, he feels hunger, lust, tiredness, sorrow, fear, and a thousand other emotions. They hit him like a cold shower as he walks the earth. He sees a sick suffering child, and calls upon his divine part to heal her as he can no longer stand to see her in pain. He turns away from the rejoicing family and weeps to see what he has created.
He also experiences death, of course, eventually, as all humans do, though not in the way that most of them die. As he hangs on the cross, in agony he could have never imagined, he cries out with the voice of all people, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?, for he sees now how vast the gulf is between God and Man, and what his most beloved creations suffer every day.
After dying and returning to the spiritual plane, he comes back as an avatar, to walk the streets and say, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I had no idea. I'm so, so sorry. Forget all the rules, all the regulations, all the food things, the clothing stuff. All I want you to do is know that I love you. That's all I care about. Know that I love you, please."