I liked you immediately, from the first comment I read in someone's post. You were quirky and honest and funny and I was smitten right that minute. Must have more of your words. Since that time you've let me in and I really want to thank you. You are more than witty snips. You are beautiful and caring and so very strong. I would hug you but you hate that. I might hug you anyway.
You, my friend of longest duration, still live too far away. In thirty (holy crap!) years we've seen so many incarnations of ourselves, and yet here we are, still loving each other. You knew me when I was young and fearless and all-knowing. I wish I could see myself as you see me. I love the way you have gone after the things you really wanted. I hope you know how proud I am of you.
I love the way you love animals. You love them as much as I do, but you do something about it. Thank you.
By this point in my life, I know I will never have children of my own, so your stories and pictures of beautiful babies bring me glimpses into a world of laughter and sleepless nights, diapers and formula, round cheeks and bright eyes, and did I mention sleepless nights? It gives me hope for the future that these happy babies are being raised by parents as aware and loving as you. I hope some time in the next few years you find time to have a nap.
Reading your posts is like reading a story book about a magical place. I want to step inside and live there. I want to walk in the woods and visit neighbor dogs and sing in the choir and find the perfect table for the dollhouse, then curl up in your cozy little home and rest.
I want to know you better, but you have sharp edges, and I'm not sure how to approach you. I'm hoping with time I'll find the secret, and you will let me in.
I still remember how I felt when I realized you were my best friend. I haven't had a "best friend" since high school, and here you are. You keep me sane in a world full of crazy. I'd be lost without you. Really. We've shared grief and laughter, glue sticks and half-started nano plots, mint tea and the liquor box. Let's never mix pineapple schnapps and Bailey's again.
A day or so into my LJ life, I learned to search by interest. I found you on a search for "NPR". I found others too, of course, but you were the first person I thought, "I want to know her." My first new LJ friend. In five years I've watched you go to law school and start your own practice. You continually inspire me. I love seeing the love you have for your kids. The way you have cared for your sister. The way you schmoop with your hubby. You should remind him that not everybody friends him first and then discovers you.
You are such a sweet guy. You don't say a lot, but when you do, you make me feel better. I don't say much about it, but I'm glad you're in my world.
I don't know if I can put it into words. I say "I love you" all the time. I say "I miss you," because those are the words I have. I need more words. You are a beautiful spirit. I'm a better person when I'm with you. You are wise and loving and you don't take shit. I want us to take a long car ride in the sunshine and just fix the entire planet.
You have fortymillionthousand LJ friends, and it amazes me when you say anything at all in reply to a post of mine. How do you keep up with all that? Thanks for spending time here.
At first I wasn't sure I liked you. Sometimes I'm quick to conclusions. I'm working on that. I'm still not sure I know you; I think there is a lot to know. I'm working on that too; so far it's going really well. Thanks for hanging in there with me.
I wish you were in this contest. As a "home gamer" you've put more into the game than many of the contestants. I have a hope you'll actually be in it one of these weeks.
I haven't known you very long, but we just clicked. I don't know if we'll ever meet, but I care about you and your family, and what you did today, and what you'll make for dinner. I smile when I see your icon and when I'm offline I think about what's going on in your world.
I'm fascinated by you. That sounds stalkerish. Sorry. Your life and your world is just soverymuch different than mine. And yet I see you, and you see me and from time to time we share a laugh or a rant. I love your words. All of them. They aren't "too" anything, and they are all real.
Sometimes I feel uncomfortable when you tell me that you like me. I don't know why you like me. I don't understand why you want to read my random blarty ramblyness. I don't remember how we "met" each other. And yet, here you are, and you open your life to me and let me in, and you care about my words enough to comment. And I continue to wonder at it.
*** This is my entry for Week 10 of
therealljidol. This week's topic is "You're So Vain, You Probably Think This Post is About You." Thank you for reading. And before anybody asks. I'm not sayin'. :) ***