Feb 29, 2008 18:50
This information was sent by a friend. I thought it was something
that needed to be passed around.
St. Gyles trailer, with all of their props has been stolen. Please
share this information with anyone in our world you think of. Maybe
someone can catch a `fire sale' and let the rest of us know, so we
can recover at least some of what they've lost.
The sad thing is that they've recently replaced a pavilion or
two...Panther Pavilions run about $2,500. They also had some older
ones, about 4 total, so that's about $10k worth of props, in addition
to everything else...the rugs, ewers, platters, trunks, etc.
The trailer, license plate number 4EA3550, was in Hayward, parked on
the curb outside a guildmember's home. It was a 16' long, by 6' wide
by 7' tall, white, no-name cargo trailer. It was stolen some time
Sunday night.