Nincs is jobb kezdés ennél...

Aug 02, 2008 05:46

...mikor megláttam ezt a cikket, és elolvastam tudtam, hogy ezzel fogok itt indítani ^^
1997 óta szeretem és tisztelem a Hanson együttes munkásságát, teljesen egyetértek az itt leírtakkal, és hozzáteszem nem utolsósorban
nagyon büszke vagyok rájuk !

"These brothers have defied critics and proved that they're not just another one hit wonder boy band. It's been over 10 years since they burst onto the music scene and over time these guys have managed to move away from commercial pop and transferred to meaningful independent music. While they were once squeaky long haired young teenage boys, the guys have grown up to be mature young men all married with their own families now. They even have their own company - 3CG Records. They have certainly proved their harshest critics wrong and demonstrated that if you persevere and stick to what you love and believe in, you will succeed."

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