Art cars! Fire art! Robot swarms! Steam Trains! Costumes! Teh Shiny!
Tomorrow (Sunday October 7) is the
Burning Man Decompression Party, a "a showcase for our art and community in San Francisco". Basically it's the Dead Dog party for Burning Man. If you've been, then it's a fine reminder. If you haven't been, it's a fun street festival.
Starts at noon, goes 'til midnight, Indiana between 19th and 22nd (just east of 280 and south of the ballpark in the Dogpatch neighborhood, or on the other side of 280 from Potrero). Make it a picnic- there's now a big Whole Foods about 1/2 mile away in Potrero (one of the fancy new ones with 20 food stations, etc). Note the price difference for wearing playawear vs. ordinary street wear: anything shiny, costumy, colorful, glowing, or creative should count. If you could wear it to work (other than on halloween), it might not be playawearish.
While you're there, you can see the southern loops of the Blue Angels' afternoon show as part of
Fleet Week. Now that the 3rd Street Muni exists, you could hit decompression, head north to fleet week, and then come back for more entertainment.
I'm usually camped across from Cocomo's by the giant pictures.