rrbilrts: the blog status quo is like your favorite author reading the slushpile

Sep 24, 2007 15:38

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Reading Raw Blogs Is Like Reading The Slushpile

Corollary N:
The status quo for blog article discovery is like finding out  your favorite author* is reading the slushpile. And not in the good "for a half hour half-drunk late-night at the convention for laughs" meaning of reading the slushpile. She's spending an hour or three reading  it. Every day.

This came out of a conversation yesterday where I was asked "well, what's the problem with people reading raw blogs, if for them it's a way to relax? Isn't Digg enough? Are you saying you'd want people to grade other people's writing?"

1. Because of opportunity costs. Time spent on the average essay is time not spent on better essays. I don't want my favorite authors reading the average stuff and saying "I can do better." I want them reading the good stuff and saying "I better do better."

2. No. A popularity circle isn't the same as quality.

3. Yes, I suppose that follows. Better than the current system of 1000 people reading an essay and imparting no information to the 1001st person.

* or your grandmother, or your teacher, or anyone other than people who are being paid in money (or internships) to read the slushpile.


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