Sep 08, 2008 01:25
What the last time I posted was in July.
Anyway I don't think I'll worry much about drawing a day this year. I'm going to be killing myself with all of the things I'm doing, much of which will involve art in most ways, so I'll just do what I need to do.
I should try harder to be here. I have lots of things I need and want to say and get feedback on and so on too ... so I'll start doing that. Also I want to start bringing my camera around with me and photographing randomly; maybe someday I will get better at it.
So not that this is interesting or .. what have you ... but here are the courses I'll be in this semester:
Italian Studies 413 -- Dante (Commedia / Vita Nuova). Not in Italian on my part, but a fun class and an elective credit. Dante is awesome. I'm hoping I don't have to drop it because it's my 6th course and as it's an elective could be replaced with something else later, but it will be a very fun elective. No essay! Just "id quizzes" and an exam and that sort of thing.
Art History 464 -- Japanese Visual Culture -- totally lucked out that they are running this seminar;all of the projects focus on the main essay, which is great becuase there will be a lot of chance to refine it and no requirement to research anything else. Prof has a difficult to understand accents but it will be mostly discussion.
Visual Art 480 -- Theory. Not sure about this one. Have not had this porf before, may be a lot of work, Theory generally is.
Visual Art 450 -- Printmaking / Sculpture -- need to get up early to speak to Prof about this one; missed first class volunteering at orientations. have plan, however.
Visual Art 430-- Painting / Drawing -- Do not have concrete plan for this yet but have several possibilities depending on how other classes fall out. More on this later.
Visual Art 470 or 490 -- This is one where I'm having a bit of a dilemma -- do the directed studies course and have a show for it, or do the digital art course that is likely to be like a course I've already done but slighly more interesting and may involve time spent in the lab video editing (kill me) and move the work for the show to painting and sculpture. I don't know what to do.