Pre pre birthday weekend

Oct 31, 2011 20:04


This was brought to you by 15 minutes on the treadmill and my ankle deciding it wasn't happy with this idea.

However. I had a lovely weekend where I got a cake; nummy cookies (in a beautiful red tin and I know exactly what I'm going to keep in it) and All The Sushi In The World. Mage was even if I started off the day by investigating Mage plot as Dolly. The conversation was typically May just when Bailey turned up; which resulted in the most amazing look on his face. Forsaken I actually managed to pick up on the plot thanks to Mr Chisholm and a baseball bat. Requiem was great fun; and Dolly went spelunking in the Underworld as well as managing to do a brief "i-pod doc" of information to Leviticus.

Apparently he wants a longer chat. Meep?

Sunday Mark and I got home reasonably early; even if we were delayed by a horrid looking accident. Steph has done amazing things to my garden; including getting me some plants and a bird feeder. I am delighted and I am determined to repay her hard work by keeping it up. I've ordered some garlic bulbs for the veg patch and have bought myself some indoor narcissi bulbs to grow for Christmas.
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