Jan 15, 2006 16:31
Well, my beloved Indianapolis Colts went down in flames this afternoon. It was a hard-fought battle but the Pittsburgh Steelers came out on top. I fear that my dear Peyton Manning will become the Dan Marino of his generation (he racks up all sorts of gaudy records but has no Super Bowl ring to show for it.) Someone just put me out of my misery, please. I really wonder why I do this to myself: I throw my heart and soul into my sports teams, only to have my heart ripped out and stomped on. I must be some kind of masochist. I tell myself that, next year, I won't get my hopes up. But then, football (or baseball) season rolls around, and I am at it again. It's like being in love, I suppose. Every time your heart is broken, you swear it won't happen again. But then a guy steals your heart and it happens all over again. It's what makes us human, I suppose--we don't always seem to learn from our mistakes.
A friend of mine at work wondered out loud why people get so charged up about their sports teams, and I must admit I hadn't given it much thought up until then. I can't speak for anyone else, but for me it's very cathartic to pour your energy (both good and bad) into something outside yourself. It spares me from engaging in all sorts of self-destructive behavior, lol. Hey, I'm an Aries, and I am passionate by nature. Passionate to a fault, I'm afraid. I can't change who I am. I guess I am in the minority because I'm a "chick", and chicks traditionally are not supposed to get all riled up about stuff like that. Right about now I wish I was one of those women who didn't give a rat's ass about sports! It would be a lot less painful for me.
How many days until spring training???