FIC: [DBSK] Operation Chaos (1/11)

Mar 20, 2011 23:12

Title: Operation Chaos - chapter 1
Beta-reader: anaka237
Pairings: Jaejoong/Junsu, side Yunho/Yoochun, various others; this chapter: Siwon/Junsu
Lenght: Chaptered
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Succubus!Junsu, Yoochun and Changmin, in next chapters probably more :P
Genre: AU, fantasy, humour, crack, smut
Summary: A story of what happens when a succubus with some issues meets a human with some issues.
Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional. Plot is basing on the succubi legends but I trasformed them for the purpose of writing this fic.
Previous chapters: Prologue
A/N: anaka237, who is my tyrannical Guardian Angel, made a sweet poster for this fic. I shall crawl under her feet and worship her XD

“Why does it always have to be me?”, Yunho asked himself while patting Jaejoong’s slumped back.

It wasn’t the first time when something like this happened. Young Saeng, Jiyong and those two Japanese guys, whose names Yunho could not recall, also left because of Jaejoong’s limitless stamina. Hyunjoong showed every sign of being his best friend’s ideal partner, with his kinda nymphomaniac-like ways of thinking. But given how the situation ended, Yunho concluded that Hyunjoong didn’t love Jaejoong.

“I am so doomed. I’ll stay single till the end of my loveless life…”, Jaejoong voice was on the verge of breaking. Although Yunho knew that his friend could be a real douche bag at times, he also knew how easily Jaejoong became attached and how prone to moping he was. He decided to bring Jaejoong’s attention to the matter at hand and maybe after this he will ask Yoochun to talk to him.

“Hey, don’t say stupid things. I’m sure you’ll find someone. For now just go to the hospital and squeeze out all the information that you can get as you usually do, ok?”

“Yeah, you’re right. I cannot let my cock interfere with my duties, can I?”, a small smile graced Jaejoong’s full lips. Yunho laughed wholeheartedly and patted his friend’s back one more time.

“Straight to the point, detective Kim.”


Jaejoong sat on the plastic chair, hiding his face in his hands, because this seemed more reasonable than tearing his hair. The investigation was at a dead-end. Kim Jongwoon was pretty content with over-sexing himself and he most undoubtedly wanted to meet the culprit again, judging from his extraordinary willingness to catch the malefactor. But unfortunately he had the same problem as the police - he didn’t have any idea of who it could be. Just like in Lee Donghae’s case he remembered meeting the guy at the gay bar and after that everything went black. Or wild, didn’t matter in their current situation.

Jaejoong’s eyes roamed the hall. Yunho was talking to the furious, now probably also very embarrassed, brother of the victim. It appeared that Kim Youngwoon couldn’t comprehend the fact that his hyung had gone loose with a complete stranger.

Somewhere on the other side of the lobby a nurse was filling in a pile of papers while visitors and patients were passing by. A doctor was talking to a young, tall intern with mismatched eyes and…

Wait, rewind.

Jaejoong could swear that he saw the same intern in the place where Lee Donghae was hospitalized. His investigator’s instincts almost immediately kicked in. But before he was able to make a move, his eyes caught a glimpse of the same glistering with gold, tear-shaped orbs that made him breathless the first time he saw them. Time stopped for a moment, with Jaejoong frozen in place until Yunho’s merciless fingers managed to pinch him back to the real world.

“Jae, you’re on a duty, don’t just randomly sleep around.”

“He was here”, the raven-haired man said, eyes trained on a spot where the gorgeous creature materialized.
“Who? Dude, stop creeping me out with THAT look…”

“The guy with golden eyes”, Jaejoong heaved a sigh, not understanding why Yunho was sometimes so ignorant. Okay, the truth was that Yunho was always kinda ignorant when it came to feelings and even Yoochun threw a tantrum about this from time to time.

Yunho face-palmed.

“Jaejoong-yah, I understand that you were dumped by a text message an hour ago and you still can’t cope with this, but please - stop thinking about your sex fantasies for a moment and concentrate. Concentrate!”
Jaejoong rolled his eyes, thwacking Yunho across the head.

“Oh, just shut up already! Find me a tall, black-haired intern. If this helps, you may ask for the one with model looks and a nice tan.”

“Jaejoong!”, Yunho looked ready to strangle him, but the older male waved him off with a bossy expression plastered to his perfect face.

“It’s for work, you dumbass. I saw this guy earlier and I’m pretty sure that he was present at the hospital were Lee Donghae was. I just need to ask him a few questions.”

Yunho wasn’t exactly convinced. Nevertheless, he listened to Jaejoong’s order and went to pursue his duties in the doctor’s room. After some asking, Yunho was certain that his friend’s broken heart also broke his brain, as it had turned out that the only interns in this hospital were four females, one ugly and one geeky male medical student. Even the doctor, whom Jaejoong claimed to be an acquaintance of the mysterious intern, didn’t know about who they were talking about.

After two and a half hours of conducting an unsuccessful investigation they were again sitting in their patrol car, pondering about the way to catch their sexually insatiable evildoer without any trails or hints about his identity.

“Maybe we should try and search in those gay bars…”

“A reminder: those two gay bars are in two different parts of the city. I’m suspecting that the next target is going to be a client of a club from another area in the city. Seoul is big, you know?”

“So what are we going to do?”

“We need to wait for another… erm… attack.”


The atmosphere in the club was suffocating. The mass of grinding bodies filled his vision. Siwon suddenly felt an urge to turn away and run. He would rather not think about what would his mother do to him if she found out about this escapade. However, he was determined to find the one who came in here just a few minutes ago.

Somehow Siwon had problems with picturing the boy from earlier in this kind of environment. He was truly adorable, looking like an angel with his tear-shaped eyes and a sweet, genuine smile. What was he going to do in this den of sin? Siwon didn’t have the slightest clue, but decided that he’ll follow and then save him from the clutches of those evil bastards who made the boy come here.

He caught the sight of raven, spiked-up hair. Siwon felt his insides boil with anger when a sneaky hand encircled the boy’s waist and brought him flush against the other guy’s body. The boy blushed furiously and it looked like he also started to stammer and push the molesting bastard off himself. Siwon made up his mind in a flash, moving to the struggling couple. He grabbed the slim wrist and with a short ‘He’s with me, don’t touch him’ retreated from the club, pulling the shocked boy away from the bulky guy he was with.

When they came out, the cooling evening breeze brought Siwon’s senses back to his mind, preoccupied with the boy. He turned to him and met those pretty orbs staring back at him, full lips shaped in an ‘o’. He chose to act the part of a knight in shining armor.

“Are you alright? That bastard hadn’t done anything to you?”, Siwon asked, voice concerned and eyes scanning the figure before him.

“I… I was… I ought to…”, boy stuttered, looking utterly defeated and helpless. Siwon panicked - surely he didn’t interrupt in something the boy was planning to do, did he?

“Do you… by any chance… sleep with other men… for money?”, he asked carefully. The boy ducked his head, fingers fiddling with the hem of his tank-top.

“Umm… No… I do it whenever I’m hungry and lately I’m hungry all the time…”

“So I’ll buy you a dinner, what do you want? Chicken?”, Siwon’s heart broke into a million small pieces, when he thought about this poor, innocent creature standing before him, giving his beautiful body to earn a living.
And then he noticed it. A creepy smirk and two dazzling, golden orbs gazing at him from under the raven fringe. Siwon felt a pleasurable shiver running down his spine. A pink tongue darted out to lick plump lips.

“I would like to eat something else, though”, the boy approached him, fingers brushing over quite a noticeable boner. The last coherent sentence which Siwon's dazed mind was able to catch was ‘Help me? Please?’, moaned straight into his ear and in a jiffy taking effects on his crotch.

He didn’t know how they ended up in a motel, their naked bodies tangled on the bed, both of them desperate for more friction, more touches, more action. Before he realized what was going on, he buried himself in the heat of the boy’s willing body laying underneath him. In a dazed state of mind Siwon heard soft moans and begging, which filled the air with need and passion. After a few powerful thrusts into a tight tunnel the muscles of his abdomen tensed, his orgasm coiling through his body with lightning speed.

Somehow Siwon felt unnaturally spent, the lack of energy taking its toll on his sore limbs. He landed on the bed next to the seemingly unconscious boy. However, when he closed his eyes, two strong legs straddled him. He looked up only to see boy’s toned body hovering over him, a devilish grin curving his lips. He sat back on Siwon’s groin, his leaking hole and scrotum coming to contact with the other’s lax manhood. Then he moved forward, his luscious mouth running across Siwon’s collarbones and neck, sucking, licking and leaving red marks on them. Siwon almost gasped in shock when he felt himself hardening again in such a short time.

“I’m not done with you”, the boy whispered darkly, straightening his back and slowly putting Siwon’s cock inside himself.

The last thing that came to Siwon's mind when the raven-haired boy was riding him fast and hard, was that, that he would probably die with his little angel turning out to be the most dangerous sex-addicted beast in the world.


Jaejoong was sipping his black coffee, sitting behind two impressive mountains of papers, gaze locked on the window, thoughtful sighs escaping his mouth from time to time. A quite painful hit on the head brought him back from his rainbow-and-flowers-filled world to the brutal reality, with Yunho as the messenger of evil. He shot a disapproving stare in his partner’s general direction and went back to drinking his already cold beverage.

“What did I say to you about treating your elders this way? You wanna die?”

“Sorry, but you didn’t pay attention when I called you about fourteen times and you even ignored my phone calls and texts, which by the way, were send to you just from across the office. I needed to take some drastic actions. We have another one.”

“Another one what?”

“Another one who over-fucked himself with our unmistakably helluva sexy culprit.”

“I take it that there weren’t any signs of abduction?”


“Any memories?”


“But signs of intercourse and semen everywhere?”


“Anything else?”

“After a talk with his mother he decided to never commit a sin again. He is going to dedicate his life to God as thanks for saving him from the sex beast that attacked him. He wants to become a priest.”

Jaejoong dropped his cup with coffee, giving Yunho a incredulous look. The brown-haired man’s poker face indicated that he was completely serious about the whole matter. Jaejoong took one of his cigarettes and lit it up.

“Pack your things, Yun. We’re going to the hospital”.

Next chapter

Comments are like food. Feed me, please? ;)

pairing: jaejoong/junsu, !language: english, media: fic, genre: au, lenght: chaptered, rating: nc17, genre: smut, genre: comedy/crack, fic: operation chaos, *fandom: dbsk

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