Dec 04, 2003 22:34
I should be at the Pretty Girls Make Graves show at the Glass House. But I'm not. Why? My wallet was stolen. From my desk. In my room.
Yes, there is a possibilty that I simply misplaced it. But as I searched my rather small room about four times over and the likely places about ten times, I think it is fairly safe to say that my wallet is gone. And I didn't bring it with me anywhere this week. I haven't touched it since Monday when I got back from the airport and put on my desk later that day. I am also fairly certain that I put it back in my desk where I always keep it, though I am beginning to doubt myself. I hope to God that I just somehow misplaced it in my room.
I had $36 in there, along with my ATM/Check card, my license, calling cards, Sears gift card, past two Gilman cards, Southwest Rapid Rewards Card, Monterey Bay Aquarium card, Health Insurance card and various phone numbers.
I've lost my wallet before, at Gilman due to my own stupidity. That was one thing. This time someone took it from my desk. Possibly someone I live with or know. I don't want to have to lock up all my belongings, but that's what I'm going to have to do now.
It's not just that I lost more than $50 in cash and cards, it's the fact that I have been trying so hard to save money for my trip to the UK. I haven't bought a cd since the last big sale the record store had the weekend before my birthday. I didn't go to a movie with Cha-Cha, Helen, Katie, and Sabrina because I wanted to save every dollar I could. I limited the number of shows I went to. Didn't go to Sub's or Gordo's when I was home. Didn't even buy any books about Scotland at CityLights. And then I get money taken from me?!? The thing that makes me even more suspicious is that shortly after my birthday, I had $20 go missing from my wallet. My mom sent me $40 for my birthday and I used part of a $20 to buy myself medicine. The next time I looked there was only the change from the $20 and the small amount of cash I had before. I thought maybe I spent it but forgot about it, but really, that's not likely.
DAMN IT I'M PISSED! I feel violated.
I really hope that I'm stupid and lost it in my room and looked right over it.
And regarding the PGMG show...Angela offered to lend me money if I needed it, but I just didn't feel like going to a show anymore. You know something's wrong when that's how I feel.