
Mar 18, 2006 00:36

Several things I've been thinking about lately:

1) Movie standards. How ought one determine what is ok, and what is not ok?
I know how I determine for myself, and confess there are times when I watch things that I have doubts about because overall, it's ok... Preference in genre plays a role in this as well, it seems... and there are times when I can watch and enjoy a period drama, and other times when I must avoid it like the plague because it will play havoc with my emotions!
It seems it is easy to justify things I might otherwise question, simply because a Christian friend has no problem with something. How do you deal with this?

2.) Teaching Bible-lessons. How core is the Biblical text? If there is a topic that has some Biblical backing, do you think there needs to be a central text, or is teaching on the theme, with various verses to back the theme, an acceptable approach? Take, for example, "Being involved in ministry"~ How would you approach such a topic?
To me, it seems like the Bible should be the main thing being taught, with themes fitting around a text, rather than fitting text around a theme... *shrug* That's how I prefer to teach, at least. Otherwise, it seems like the focus is turned more onto the morality & things we should be doing, distracting from what should be the focus, which is God & His Word...

3.) Rules & standards within a serious relationship (like, in a courtship): Do you think there should be particular rules that must be adhered to? Should the couple spend time alone? Are rules a must, or do general guidelines suffice?
On this, I'm still forming my opinion. I think guidelines are definitely helpful, but I'm not sure what I think of there being "rules" to be followed... It seems like a couple who is contemplating marriage should be mature enough to stick with guidelines; yet, I know hormones can do a lot to one's judgement!

Anyway... just various things I've been pondering lately, and would like to hear other opinions on :-)
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