woke up, went to school. had fun. lmao me and sam have this game where we laugh and laugh for no reason and ppl think that we're laughin about them and they turn around and give us dirty looks... and it makes it even funnier. and me, sam, and colleen did it to nick joy and he pointed to me and was like "yea real funny !! well... YOU have a little yellow booger !!" lmao and i didn't have one on my face... it was so funny and randmon that we just started laughing. now me n sam said wen ppl make fun of urs we're gunna say "WELL !! *dz hand motion* YOOOOUUU HAVE A LITTLE YELLOW BOOGER ON YOUR NOSE !!!" lmao i love her, shes my b-f-f (so's mrs.coppeler) and i dnt have the chapter test till monday !! SSWWEET ! haha n also i thot it was funny wen abby was telling a story and everyone walked away and she screamed till we came bak, n it was lik this cartoon who went "DAMNITT !!! i'm to big !!" or sumtin. quit funny. well i'm going.. becuz... i have to. HOLLER BAK! *Kath*