How is it October already? Actually, better question is how is it October fourth already?!? Yeesh.
So I'm still way behind in my reading. I think I need to read like, 8 books a month to meet my goal for 2010. *sigh* Starting to doubt I'll make it but we'll see how it goes!
Here's what I finished in September:
Girl, Hero by Carrie Jones
This was a beautiful, wonderful, real book. I love Carrie's writing, but had so far only read her blog, NEED and CAPTIVATE, so this was my introduction to her non-fantasy writing and it was so wonderful. I loved Liliana's voice and the letters to John Wayne (I almost wrote James Dean for some reason... that would have made a vastly different book!) and I just can't say enough about it. *love* Seriously, if you don't have a copy, you should go buy one. Right now.
The Amaranth Enchantment by Julie Berry
I *love* fairy tales (the new WIP is a Cinderella update/retelling), and this one had me enchanted (ha ha) from the get-go. Lucinda was a perfect heroine, smart and brave though still a bit vulnerable, and though the story-structure was familiar, the twists and turns took me in different directions than I necessarily expected (in a good way). I can't wait for Secondhand Charm to come out later this month!
Uninvited by Amanda Marrone
I've been intrigued by vampires since The Silver Kiss and Buffy, and this book totally took me back to those first vampiric encounters ;-) Jordan's reactions felt so realistic to me, and the story kept me up late wondering if I'd open the window.
Books read this month: 3
Books read this year: 31
Argh, must read more... Anyone know where I can get a clone of me whose only job is to read through all these books I own?!