Reading Lists

Jul 03, 2010 13:32

Apparently this is a year where I don't get much read. *sigh* I keep saying I want to fix this next month, but so far that hasn't happened.

Here comes the goal-setting again. I will double the amount of books I read in the first six months of the year for the last six months of the year. How many have I read so far? Let's add to the counting, shall we?

1) Moonshine by Rob Thurman
Adult. Cal Leandros, Book #2
I'm so into Cal it's not even funny.

2) The Demon's Covenant by Sarah Rees Brennan
YA. The Demon's Lexicon, Book #2
Are we sensing a reading theme for the month of May? Yeah, I thought so. Mmmm... hot brothers books.

Books Read this Month: 2

1) The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner by Stephenie Meyer
YA. The Twilight Saga, Companion to Eclipse
This was really, really good. I love the Twilight books (This is the short-version of my opinion of them-- I could go on for hours about the good, bad and ugly), and this is a great addition to the canon. Can I please have my official guide now?

2) The Other Side of the Forest by Jessica Spotswood (formerly titled Garolass)
YA Manuscript
Yeah, this isn't out for the general public yet. But believe me, I will be *squee*-ing from the rooftops with jessica_shea when it is! This is definitely one of my top reads of the year, and I'm not just saying that cause Jess is a fantabulous crit partner. I'd love this even if I didn't know her. (The link is to a trailer she made.)

3) Madhouse by Rob Thurman
Adult. Cal Leadros, Book #3
Seriously, I'm starting to get an unhealthy obsession with this boy. I keep trying to get some of my other reading done, but Cal's just too tempting. Plus, this one ended on a serious cliffhanger, so I just had to run out & buy #4, Deathwish. :)

Books Read this Month: 3
Books Read this Year: 19

So, by the end of December I will have read another 38 books. This is totally doable. Maybe. If I stop sleeping. Ugh, I really need to learn to read faster...

reading, rob thurman, jess, stephenie meyer, sarah rees brennan, monthly reading list

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