Friday Five

Jun 04, 2010 15:14

1) I've decided to let the "boys in the basement*" work on the plot-hole issue. They just better work fast, cause I have a lot of words that need written this weekend!

2) Also on the trail of the elusive plot-hole-filler is my bff. I sent her an email this morning with all the pieces of Gen's story that she didn't have yet and a note that said "Let me know when you're done reading so you can tell me what I'm thinking." She's kinda like my Pensieve. :)

3) I'm current trying to edit, synopsis-write, write a first draft and critique... My brain's jumping all over the place. I'll be happy when I'm only worrying about query letters and a first draft, cause all these very different projects are stretching me a little thin, brain-wise.

4) I think I mentioned on here that I've had a craptastic cold lately (which is why all #3's work is piling up on me right now). I got it two weeks ago and I'm still coughing & my singing voice hasn't entirely returned to normal functionality (I'm incapable of driving w/o singing, so this is def. a problem). It's the cough that's really bugging me right now, though, because two weeks of it means my jaw is sore & pops every time I open my mouth. It's Very Annoying/Distracting.

5) A request: If anyone sees my ability to concentrate wandering around, could you please send it back my way? Thanks. :)

*I got this term from James Scott Bell's "The Art of War for Writers," which I highly recommend-- I'm fairly certain he got it from King, but I adore this book! I got the digital version from the Writer's Digest store so I carry it with my everywhere on my Reader :)

writing, friday five, brit, sick

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