Mar 31, 2009 12:49
I've decided to start a new thing here. I'm actually going to post about Life Stuff. I know I originally started this as my writing blog, but I've gotten to the point where I'd like to talk about real life, too. I've got a number of reasons for this, but the main ones are:
1) I do have a life outside scribbling all the time (though I can't promise it's interesting)
b) I can only post so much about revision before I drive you all as crazy as me.
So! Here goes my first Adventure in Real Life...
We're putting in a patio. (Note: We = Hubby. I stand there and point out things that could go wrong and occasionally break something.) Unfortunately, the evil old deck had to be removed to do this. I say unfortunately because we have a Very Large Dog who needs to get out into the yard, and it's hard for her without, you know, stairs. (It's a couple feet btw. the door and the ground.)
Solution: Hubby took the old deck stairs and made them free-standing, so he can move them around to do whatever it is that makes a patio. Very Large Dog is fine with them most days, but today decided she was afraid of them.
(Side note: She's kind-of a wuss. Like, hides behind me when the Dell repair guy comes wuss)
So I just spent five minutes holding the back door open and coaxing her up the stairs as she took Each. One. Slowly. And. Cautiously. She's as long as the stairs, but this still took a Very Long Time.
And it was right after coaxing her inside that I realized I'd turned on a full load of laundry (& it had finished) with the lowest water setting. Which, uh, doesn't really get anything clean. Oops. So I threw more detergent in and turned it back one. At least this way Hubby's work jeans might actually get clean, right?
And now, back to Real Life... That darn To-Do list just refuses to disappear when ignored...
adventures irl