So... I decided to work on book 2 in my tutorial this summer... I figured, "hey, I just wrote a whole book about these people. I can write some more about them. I mean, I planned on doing it anyway, might as well really get to it. Easy-peasy, right?"
I'm pretty sure my list of "Questions that need answered" is now longer than my novel at this point. It contains things like:
"Why is Arion still an idiot?"
"Why is Josephine still asleep?"
"Why do dead people cause so much trouble?"
"What is the best way to get them from [Point A] to [Point B] in less than three chapters?"
"Why does everything I write suck?"
Er, the last one cropped up last night with my craptastic attempt at Chapter 1 D1.2. D1.1 was just plain dull. D1.2 is not-as-dull, but now with more suck-ness. I can't believe I turned that in, but as I had a friend being wonderful (thanks
4faeriewrites!) and turning in my copies for me so I didn't have to drive all the way to Hollins again today, I couldn't agonize over it all night (which probably would not have changed the suck). So off it went, in all it's sucky-glory.
I might be being a wee bit hard on myself- but I know a sucky chapter when I write one. Well, usually. And trust me, this was not up to par for me, and I keep kicking myself over it.
But I'm about to take my home-made iced coffee (which, thankfully, does not suck!), laptop and notes out to the deck and work outside, which hopefully will inspire me enough to work on something good. That is, if the smoke from the neighbors burning brush, etc. next door doesn't drive me indoors too quickly.
And this afternoon, I get to have coffee w/ K. and discuss fairy tales paper topics and other fun stuff! Can't wait!